Thursday, October 11, 2012

Video games feed your brains

Tuesday List based on forms brought in
Wed List based on forms brought in
Anti Video games

 Notices:  Parent Teacher time forms went home today.  More will go home tomorrow.  See pictures to see blank times.  Although you are welcome to come at anytime during the time period and we will fit you in.
Pro Video games

The final Score... Non-video wins
T telling why he likes Video Games
Thursday began as most Thursdays with students taking a side in a 'debate' topic.  Today's topic is presented a little differently than a normal debate day. The topic was Video games, a learning experience or do they eat your brain.   The students who wrote pro-video games had to first write a one page general description of their favorite video game and how to play it as well as tell why it is great.

After recess the students read for 15 minutes or worked on their debate one page reports.  After 15 minutes the students broke into two large groups to combine their ideas on a large piece of paper.  During the debate three students read their one page report on video games yes or no I awarded points to their team for new and unique ideas.  The pro-video group made great points on things like it teaches cooperation and team work.  The anti-video group made points with things like it detracts from school work and exercise.  Two students from each group got to make a final summation for their groups.  Just prior to the three judges awarding their 3 points the pro-video group were ahead by 5 points.  When the 3 judges then awarded three points each to the two groups, they could give 3 to one or 2 to one and 1 to the other etc.  In the end the score was 17 - 22 for the Video Games eat your brain.  The judges said the final point made by a anti-video games person, that his grandfather died in the war, and he thought war video games took away from his loss by glorifying war.  That final point won the debate for the anti-video games side.  A great debate and because of the subject matter the students were focused and keen about the debate.  I also said the side that won the debate would get 5 minutes of free time on the computers when we had computer time later this afternoon.

Challenges decide all outcomes in the gym


We began the afternoon in the computer lab.  Students worked on making a personal poster using Microsoft Word.  After computers the students went to music where they did many cool rhythm games.  I will upload a video so you can see part of the game.   It is so great.  We ended the day with a game in the gym with Mrs. Carlton's class.  The class was totally focused today, worked hard and produced a lot of work.   keep it up See you all tomorrow.  Study for the test...

Please send in any brown paper bags.  We need them for Paper Mache

Students singing a clapping and moving cup game.

Playing Simon Says

Friday Test:
-Spelling, of course.
-What does R.O.C.K.S in Tillicum Rocks stand for?
-The Essay:  List three positive things about Video games and three negative things about Video games then say if you think Video games are good or bad for students.
Science: Describe how to make a cloud in a bag.
-Math:  Tell the time off an analog clock.  The clock examples  will show the minute hands on the top of the hour, quarter past, half past, and at the 45 minute.  Most students should have success with those time positions as we talked about them more than any and students seem most familiar with them.  They can answer with 15 after 4 or 4:15 or quarter after 4 etc.  They will also have to draw times given a time like 3:15 There will also be some random addition questions on the test.

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