Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday test, Aesop's Fables buddies and P.E.

 Check your child's backpack as there are school picture forms , a new fundraising project from the PAC as well as other informational handouts.
Latest PAC Fundraiser package

We began the day with our weekly test.  There was the regular spelling words, a question in Science to list 5 common weather conditions, 24 Math addition questions, and three multiple choice questions on the Caravel, the ships used by Columbus and other early explorers to come to North America. The students also had to write a short essay on the debate topic from yesterday: Which holiday is better, Halloween or Christmas.  As it was homework I let the students use their homework to answer the question as an attempt to reward those students who do their  homework and to encourage those who do not. those students who finished the test early could work on catching up on work due, or read or colour.

After recess the Spelling tests were mixed up and given to other students for marking.  After the tests were marked I read an Aesop fables, adapted to rhyme, to the students.  They had to write to retell the story in their own words, draw a picture of the most important event, and write out the central message of the story.  We started with the 'Lion and the Mouse' the message being an act of kindness, no matter how small, can be greatly rewarded later on.  The lion does not eat a mouse and when the Lion is trapped in a net by hunters the mouse returns the favor and saves the lion's life by chewing through the net.  I will read fables and they will retell the story in their words on Friday's at this time until the end of first term when I will switch to reading a novel.

After lunch the students read for 15 minutes before we went to buddies.  In buddies we read with our buddies.  The students learned how to coach and help the little buddies decode the text.  It is good for all our students on many levels and is particularly great for our weaker readers as they learn strategies for themselves in helping the little buddies.

After buddies the students worked on finishing their models of the Caravel ship.  We ended the day with a rip roaring game against the other grade 4 class in the school... It is nice when we can get all the grade 4's together for activities.  

Take care all and have a great weekend.  Mr. W

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Compare and Contrast, Holidays and computers

We began the day with hand writing practice.  As incentive, those students who master handwriting can begin to write in pen.  The students were give a two sided worksheet and we discussed the proper movement and holding of the pencil.  Some students are already familiar and just need some refresher, others are just beginning, having never handwritten before.

After handwriting the students had to compare Christmas to Halloween.  The idea is that they like both but had to decide which they liked best and why.  Last week our debate topic was cats or dogs and people had a more definite choice.  The students had to divide their paper in two to form what we call a T chart.  On one side they listed those things that they connected with Christmas and on the other they listed those things they connected to Halloween.  For example we discussed how dressing up at Christmas in best clothing was different from dressing up for Halloween. Then the students were given a vocabulary list for both holidays and asked to highlight those words which had positive or negative meanings to help them make their choices.  We did not have time to debate the question but it will appear on tomorrow's test.

After recess the students began a one page written report on which one they liked best.  This question will also be on the test tomorrow.  Note: there will also be a science question on weather on the test.  Those students who do not celebrate Christmas or Halloween were given a separate topic.

After writing we continued with our models of the Caravel ships used by the early explorers.  The ships are looking amazing tomorrow we will papermache them and rough paint them then they will be coming home for the final touches.  And yes it is OK for parents to help.

After lunch we continued our model building project until music with Mrs. Awalt.  Today they played a song with rhythmic instruments using following sheet notation used by real percussion groups.  Amazing. Mrs. Awalt is so happy with them.  They also played singing movement games with students having different times to shine.

Last period we went to the computer lab where I am introducing them to Microsoft Word which they will need in school to do reports.  I am having them re-write, on the computer, their writing project from today on which Holiday they preferred.  They will have to write, add a border and graphics from the internet.  All those things they will have to have mastered by high school.

Study hard... spelling, math, socials and science on the test tomorrow.

Science: Weather
Math: Addition
Spelling: see word lists on side and lists that came home
Socials: There will be three multiple choice questions on the following three questions
The Caravel, two things that made it great, were: 
Caravels were used by Portuguese and Spanish to explore the coast of Africa
The two of Columbus's ships that were caravels were the:     Pinta and the Nina

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pets, caravels, choir and banks cards

Wednesday morning began with M.E. (morning exercise). The students had to write about what pet they would choose if they could have any pet.  The choices ranged from mythical creatures like dragons, to hippos and wolves.  We worked as a group to brainstorm ideas and themes they should think about as they wrote their essay.  Topics included, feeding, bathing, exercising, going to the bathroom, where the pet would sleep etc.  I look forward to reading them. 

Tasmanian Dev
After M.E. we talked about tricks in math.  Tricks are really strategies.  I put 7+8+3 on the board.  I then asked them to think about how they would go about adding it.  All those students good at math have learned strategies to make things simple for them.  Instead of adding 7 and 8 like the lower students the good students look for patterns first.  So the better math students are able to look for the easy way to do the work, so they add the 7 and 3 to make 10 then add the 8.  I am trying to teach them that math is easy, it can get complicated and need breaking down into steps, but it is easy. Not sure if they bought it, but when I demonstrated how I can multiply large numbers like 88642686 by 5, faster in my head than they can with the calculator,  they were willing to listen. I will teach them strategies first. 


After recess we did a one page report on the type of ships used by the first European explorers to come to the New World, the Caravels.  These are the same ships that we started building models of on Friday.

20 dollars gets you a green report cover and your pict on the blog
After lunch we began the day with choir.  All of the class except for 5 students joined choir.  This is amazing as music is one of the great gifts we can give to ourselves.  Those students not in choir had musical appreciation.  They listened to and did a one page report on Mozart.

The bank now has accounts

After Choir we worked on our mini-books based on the book 'Don't Give a Mouse a Cookie' Great day everyone. See you tomorrow.

Reading Music and Meet the Teachers

Tuesday Afternoon began with a silent reading.  In our class almost all of the students like to read which is a great treat and a great gift for them.  When you love to read you have given yourself a wonderful gift.  With it you can travel anywhere in the world and to the ends of the galaxy.  Fact: if parents read or read to children the children become readers.  Story:  My daughter became a reader  in grade 4 because I would read from Harry Potter and stop at interesting places.  She would then pick up the book and read 20 or thirty pages on her own. 

Students Reading
After Reading the students had Music with Mrs. Awalt.  They practiced playing music on instruments to follow a rhythm chart.  Mrs. Awalt was amazed at how fast our class picked up the skill.  Well done class.
After music we began our second mini-book is based on the book by Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie."  We read the book and talked about the pattern in the book.  [home to home, or circle story].  If you give a mouse a cookie it will want milk; if you give it milk it will want.... etc.  Some of the stories are:  If you give the baby coffee, If you give a monkey a computer.... I look forward to reading the great pattern stories that are sure to come from your childre. 

After school from 430 - 6:30 many students and their families came to the Meet the teacher night.It was a great opportunity to talk to many of you in an informal way and to introduce you to Mrs. Schneider who teaches Monday and Tuesday morning.  She is responsible for the Science, and shares the other curriculum areas with me.  The meet the 'creature' hour was followed by a Pizza supper sponsored by the parents.  For $5.00 you could purchase a salad, two pieces of pizza and a drink.  Outstanding.  It was a great pleasure to get to know you as we get to know your children.  See you all tomorrow.  Mr. W

Mrs. Schneider with one of the families at meet the teacher night.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What is weather?

This morning students edited and finished their “What I Want to Learn in Grade 4” writing entry.
In Science, we worked with partners or groups of 3 to read about what weather is. We shared our findings and started a comparison chart to differentiate weather and climate. Early finishers for the weather part of the chart started a title page for our weather unit. Students were also introduced to our school’s weather station ( and the weather reader in our classroom. Students will be recording data and analyzing the conditions in the next few weeks. We looked at an overview for our weather unit and watched a sample video of our unit’s final project. In small groups, students will write a script, use props, tape (video) a weather report about an extreme weather system, and then present it to the class. More details about the project will be provided later.
I read aloud from Shipwreck and then students caught up on unfinished work that is due today. 3 students haven't finished their Fall Tree art project yet.
We had a busy morning and students were very productive J
Mrs. Schneider

Monday, September 24, 2012

Our Favourite Kinds of Pizza

Welcome to the last week in September J
This morning students wrote Spelling Pre-Test 2 and took home their spelling list. Please place it in a visible place (like on the fridge) to remind students to practice their words. Family assistance with studying the words is helpful to prepare for Friday’s test.
In Math we surveyed the students’ favourite kind of pizza, graphed the result on a class graph, and then students made individual graphs. Meat-Lovers pizza was the most popular!
In Science we read about weather and after lunch we viewed the Scholastic Book Sale. Everyone was excited about the new books. Students and parents/guardians can purchase books tomorrow and Wednesday at lunch or after school. Students signed out library books for the first time too. Students can take their books home or leave them at school for silent reading. Books are due back every Monday.
We finished the afternoon with a fall trees art project and then had Gym at the end of the day. It was a productful day!


Read at home each night, then ask a parent/guardian to sign the Nights of Home Reading calendar.


Entertainment Book orders and any unsold books are due back by September 28. Please try to sell some as part of the sales is allocated to each class for field trips.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Venn diagrams, Terry Fox and Cats and Dogs Debate

Home reading chart for parents to initial.
Terry Fox Run Tomorrow (Bring proper shoes for outside run)
So far we have collected $72 in nickles
$142 in dimes
Tomorrow is last day for Terry Fox coin drive
Home reading form Went home
Scholastic Book Fair at School next week form went home today

Thursday is the  the day which we will Compare and Contrast issues, things, characters in our daily writing exercise book. (M.E.)  Today the students broke into 3 working groups, those that like dogs, those that like cats and those that liked Gecko's.  The students brainstormed in their groups why  cats, dogs or geckos are the better pet.  After the group work the student printed their ideas on the board.  Individually  the students  then filled out a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting cats and dogs. (or geckos)  After the students had worked by themselves for awhile each group elected three students to represent their side  in a debate.  The topic of the debate was to argue as to which animal would make the best pet.  The debate groups worked on ideas to present during the debate.  The debate is to take place after recess.

Student holding a Venn diagram comparing dogs and cats

The debate after recess on the topic "Which makes a better pet, a cat or a dog," was great as there was lots of emotion and feeling.  The six students did their best to guard their position to claw apart their opponent's arguments and protect their precious ideas .  In the end the Cat people won the debate by one vote.  Well done debaters. 

We started the afternoon watching a video in the library with the grade 5's being shown by Mrs. Wilson the librarian about books that might be of interest to our students.

Two of the students have completed half of our Class bank.
The video was followed by Music with Mrs. Awalt.  After music the students went to Computers where the students had to use PowerPoint to make a slideshow to inspire students to run and collect money for the Terry Fox Foundation.  To complete the task the students had to be able to move pictures and quotes by Terry Fox off the internet then present them as a slideshow in a thoughtful and clever way, all in in 35 minutes.  Most of the students working in pairs managed to do the task in a very thoughtful way.  Well done.  See you all tomorrow.  Study those spelling words.  Take care Mr. W

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Heros, Flat Earths, Choir and Addition


Thank you for remembering to bring in your coins for our Terry Fox Fundraiser
Tuesday we raised over $50. on nickles
Dimes came in today
Tomorrow bring in your quarters. 

As well try and sell as many entertainment books as you can for our parent fundraiser.

After talking about Terry Fox all week and why he his a hero our writing project for the day was to talk about someone in their family who they think is a hero and why.    Be sure to check out the work your child in their M.E. book on a family hero.  There was so many great things written, I smiled and I laughed.  Here are a few things your children wrote.  (The Initials, not the names of the students, are used )

Even though my brother James is two he is still my hero.  He is my hero because he makes joy in my life by making me laugh every day .  JL

My brother once took out our garbage at 9:00 p.m. just for my mom.  My brother tries so hard just to make the world a better place.  SS

My hero is my brother even if he is being really annoying.  But he is always there for me.  JM

Students line up at the class bank to get paid for their work.
click to see larger
click to see larger
 After recess we read for 20 minutes then moved into Social Studies.  We discussed the scientific ideas at the time of the first explorers.  We talked about how they not only had to convince people to join their long and dangerous expedition,  through seas teaming with monsters, they also had to convince people that they would not fall off the edge of the flat earth.   

Working on their Math Sheets
Students working on their Math Addition sheets

In the afternoon we talked about Choir, which will be starting next Monday.  Those students going the choir had a free work period while those few who didn't had to do a report on Bach.  Those students not in choir have to do musical appreciation while the rest of the class is in choir.

Students examine and correct their math sheets in pairs.
We had an addition math period with three groups and easy, medium and hard group.  Many students tried to do the math sheet that was challenging for them instead of just doing the one that was easy for them.

Last period we talked about the Class rules which are:

1)  Be Happy
2)  Don't be Unhappy
3)  Make others Happy 

In Tillicum we promote virtues and attitudes not rules.  If we simply try and enforce rules then our role changes from being guides and leaders to being authoritarian controllers.

See you all tomorrow.  Remember your first Mini-book 'I Am' is due tomorrow.  Take care Mr. w

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday Afternoon Reading, Music and Computers

Tomorrow send in those dimes for the Terry Fox run fundraiser.

Thanks to Mrs. Schneider who has done a great job in organizing the spelling groups.  I have often run two spelling groups in a class but Mrs. Schneider has managed to figure out how to run four different groups efficiently.  Well done.

We began the afternoon with silent reading followed by Music with Mrs. Awalt.  In music the students are learning to read and play rhythms on a variety of percussion instruments. 

After Music the students had a computer period where they drew pictures of Terry Fox and thought of an inspirational idea to go along with their art work.  Glad to see such great artists and thoughtful thinkers in the class.

Well done... Keep up the great work.  See you all tomorrow.  Mr. W

Birthday Graph and Home Reading

Welcome back after the long weekend! I taught this morning and Mr. Wilson taught this afternoon.
This morning the students wrote a spelling pre-test. There are 3 spelling groups (green, yellow, and pink) with different words. Students in the green group were challenged to try the words from the yellow list and many of the students in this group did. I’m impressed with everyone’s positive attitude and excellent effort to better their spelling.
The students’ spelling list will be sent home tomorrow and Mr. W will give them their spelling tests on Friday. The spelling lists are also on the right side of the blog, under Weekly Spelling Words.
In Math we started a graphing unit by taking a survey of when students’ birthdays are and graphing the results in a bar graph. It was a collaborative effort and all students contributed.
In Language Arts, the students gave me written feedback about how, what, and why they read. I gave the students a tour of our new book bins, and we had an enthusiastic conversation about the book genres and interesting authors that we have in our classroom. Many students were excited to see series like Geronimo Stilton, Artemis Fowl, and Harry Potter, and interesting, large information books with brilliant photographs.
Students also had time to work on their self-portraits and many are now displayed in the classroom.


Tomorrow a 'Nights of Reading calendar' will be sent home for parents/guardians to sign when students have read at home. Our class’ goal is to reach 1000 nights of reading. I know we can do it if everyone does their part.
A reminder to try and sell as many entertainment books as you can. A large portion of the sales is allocated to each class for field trips.
Mrs. Schneider

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Money

 As mentioned in the last blog entry we have a money system in the class.  The class money economy system is designed as a way to encourage self-management of behavior and to promote the development strong work habits.  Research has shown that token economy systems are often effective for children who do not respond to other less-structured methods of behavior modification (providing positive feedback or praise) With a money system, I have noticed that, those students who are already deeply intrinsically motivated to always do their best work (and we have many in the class) rise to new levels of greatness under this system.

The main way that students can make money is through their daily work.  Most work in class is graded on a 10 point scale.  In our point system 7 means they did the job, 8 meaning they took extra effort in their writing or presentation.... all the way up to 10 where they did an excellent job above the expectation.  There is also a 10+ for outstanding effort.  Each student can resubmit their work to get a higher and higher mark if they like.  With our class money, students who receive less than 7 are not paid and have to keep working to bring the work up to the minimum 7  standard.  Achieving a 7,8,9 or 10 on a page pays $1.00 and a 10+ pays $2.00.  Last year I used to pay $2.00 for a 10 out of 10, but this class are so advanced I would be broke and they would be too rich so I only  pay $2.00 for 10+.  When the students work has been marked by me it is taken to the class bank where it will be paid out and stamped to show that the student has been paid.  Although I think I will go back to $2.00 for a 10 out of 10 and raise a 10+ to $3.00 as many students are already asking for raises on their $1.00 a week jobs.

As well as being a great motivator Money works well into several of our units.  In Math money can be used to connect decimals, fractions and percents which are often hard for children (and adults) to relate.   By linking these subjects to money, they provide a reference for easy understanding.  Representing one half  as .5 mystifies many students, however, when you connect it to money, a dollar and a half = 1.50¢   is easy to link to half = .5, one quarter = .25,  three quarters =  .75 = 75% etc.
Our Money economy links to the Grade 4 curriculum:
A10  relate decimals to fractions (to  hundredths)
     *represent a given decimal using money values (dimes and  pennies)
     *record a given money value using decimals
     *solve problems, including money problems, which involve addition and subtraction of decimals, limited to hundredths

D5  describe economic and  explorers and Aboriginal people 
Comparing our current monetary systems to the barter and trade systems of the Aboriginal peoples.
     *describe the ongoing trade that was established between Aboriginal peoples and explorers, with reference to  specific goods exchanged 
      *describe changes over time in the value of specific barter goods  effect of trade on Aboriginal societies


The Underground Economy:

One of the side effects, which I do not suppress, is the underground economy that develops in the class.  So far one student has created a wallet making industry.  The student sews  a cloth wallet which, depending on the features, can cost you from $1.00 to $4.00.  My wallet has an embroidered W and a button catch, contained two sections and cost me $5.00.  Another student has brought in comic books that he has written and illustrated himself and he rents them out.  The upside is two other students, who are not great writers,  see it as a way to make money themselves and are busy writing comics to rent out.  I also jumped on the sales wagon  as I had a couple of packs of juice boxes which I gave to a student to sell for $1.00 each.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Money, Firedrills, Mr. Clark and Buddies


Spending $5 000
I would be a shark
We began the day with a writing assignment in our M.E. on 'How I Would Spend $5000.'  At first I said $100 then realized they could spend that in one place so switched up to $1000 then to $ 5000.   The students show what they value and how they think when they have to write about how they would spend their money. Many thought of members of their family, of the SPCA as well as the usual things like cell phones, pets and video games.  It is a delight to be able to read about how really caring and giving this group of children are.

During the first block before recess we had our first fire drill which went off without a hitch.  We knew the fire drill was coming so we had time to brief the students on the procedures, routines and expectations during a real emergency. This may have had something to do with our near perfect first fire drill.  There are also drills where neither the teachers or the students know what is happening.  I hope we do as well then.
If I could be any animal I would be....
As you probably have heard, we have a class money system.  The system is designed to motivate some students and to acknowledge the great students, who often do not get the attention and recognition and praise that many of the struggling students do.  Many of the students have regular class jobs like pencil sharpening, lunch bucket, board person etc. for which they receive a regular wage ($1.00) per week.  As you can see from the photo they are lined up for their Friday Pay.  After the fire drill we had a surprise inspection of the desks.  The deal in the class is that the desks belong to the class and the students are just renting them.  If the desk is clean they do not have to pay the $1.00 weekly rental and receive a bonus $ 1.00 if the desk is super neat.  Those students who received a bonus $1.00 are shown in the picture.

Students line up to get their payday for jobs around the class
Those students whose desks passed desk inspection.
After recess the students asked for a catch-up period to work on things that they have not had time to complete in class or home.  They worked on their title pages in Socials and ME. They also worked to complete 'If I were an animal' and their Terry Fox one page project due today .  Some were finished everything so they worked on their 'I Am' mini-books with are due next Thursday.  Most work in class is graded on a 10 point scale.  7 being they did the job, 8 meaning they took extra effort in their writing or presentation.... all the way up to 10 where they did an excellent job above the expectation.  There is also a 10+ for outstanding effort.  Each student can resubmit their work to get a higher and higher mark if they like.  With our class money, students who receive less than 7 are not paid and have to keep working to bring the work up to the minimum standard.  Achieving a 7,8,9 or 10 on a page pays $1.00 and a 10+ pays $2.00.  Last year I used to pay $2.00 for a 10 out of 10, but this class are so advanced I would be broke and they would be too rich so I only  pay $2.00 for 10+. 

Setting up Writing Book
Writing out words for the Letters
After lunch we read for 15 minutes then the class went to buddies where they helped the grade 1's finish setting up their writing books and read to them.

 After buddies we had the privilege of having Mr. Clark a storyteller from Aboriginal Nations Resources.  He talked to us about his background and the importance of school for all children. He talked about the three First Nations people in our area, taught us a few words in Coast Salish and told us a traditional story from the Chemanis people.  The story was about two boys who learned the  importance of learning to swim. The students then colored a picture of Wakes (the Frog) while Mr Clark talked about the accuracy of pictures in the text book.  Thank you Mr. Clark you are amazing.

  Have a Great and Safe Extended weekend. See you Tuesday.  Mr. W