Thursday, October 4, 2012

Picture day, Mathamagical land, Computers and a debate on TV vs Books

Spelling Test Tomorrow
Keep selling the parent fundraiser kits
Bring in any Daily reading forms from September

We began the day watching the movie Donald duck in Mathemagical Land, a 1958 Disney movie which shows the beauty and magic of Mathamatics.  Even after so many years the students still find it relevant and interesting.  Who does not love Donald Duck and who does not love math, well OK, who does not love Donald duck.  The students had to take notes during the video trying to answer the question "What is Math?"

The Bankers for today
 After the video we switched over to our Compare and Contrast debate prep Thursday writing assignment.  The topic today is:  What are better 'Books or Television'.   It was amazing as only 5 students in the class chose to argue that T.V. was better.  Perhaps there is hope for the world.  Ha Ha.

The two groups line up to debate Books vs Television
We worked together to create a T chart to organize our ideas.  After their ideas were given the students wrote a small report on which they thought was better.   The write continued after recess for about 20 minutes then we watched another video called "The Girl Who Hated Books" an animated short about literacy introduces us to Meena, a young girl who hates books even though her parents love to read. Books are everywhere in Meena's house, in cupboards, drawers and even piled up on the stairs. Still, she refuses to even open one up. But when her cat Max accidentally knocks down a huge stack, pandemonium ensues and nothing is ever the same again...

Several students volunteered to read what they wrote for our debate.  Because there were so many students on the 'Books are better' side we had to select a secret judge.  All the students in the class, not in the debate, were given a piece of paper, on one was an X, that person was the judge.  The secret judge got the only vote.   Books Won.

The debate took us up to Lunch.  After lunch we went to the computer class to finish the Microsoft word document we started last week on which is Better 'Halloween or Christmas'.  The Assignment needed a title, two pictures and a border along with their information.

 After Computers the students went off to Music.  Mrs. Awalt was impressed with many of the insightful ideas given by students on the meaning of the words in the song "The old man and the grandfather clock'.    After music we had a few more minutes in the computer lab then had to go to the gym to get our pictures taken.  Looking good everyone.  Themes from the test are given at the end of today's blog entry.
Getting posed for Student Picture Day

Class pictures in the Gym Last Period

Spelling words listed on the right, and study sheets sent home Monday
Science (types of clouds know and draw)
Math: Given data graph the results and explain data
What was the secret symbol of the Pythagoreans 
Socials:  How did the First Nations people first come to North America?
Socials:  How did Canada get its name?

1 comment:

  1. I know this is going to sound like a spam but honestly, it's just information. I love Donald Duck in Mathemagical land.

    I have written a book called Mathamagical, which has been inspired by many things, which aims to excite children about Maths.

    It's on Amazon, I will not be so crass as to post a link. And I applaud you for your approach. Lets hope my teachers and classes follow suit. Mathematics is too important to be taught in a boring and unengaging way.

    Colin Davies
