Thursday, October 18, 2012

Clocks, Tests and Halloween Safety


No School Tomorrow

We began the day working on our math telling time unit.  The students worked by themselves at their desks but were able to go to student helpers if they had any specific problems or needed help.  After Math the students were given 7 minutes to study for the test as it is being given a day early and some students did not have time to practice or study.

We began the test which had to continue after recess.  As the students finished their tests they  worked on catching up on extra work.  Today on the back of the test there were about 30 different subtraction question, ranging from easy to harder.  The students were asked to pick only 10 questions to do.  I wrote the following on the board.  Write I am happy with a (C, C+, B or A) then look at the 30 questions and choose 10 to do. 
C-  less than 10 easy questions many wrong
C   10 easy questions  most correct
C+ 10 easy questions all correct
B 5 easy questions and 5 hard questions most correct
A 10 hard questions and all correct
So the students had a choice about how much they wanted to challenge themselves.  Two students did all the questions but I had them circle the 10 they wanted me to correct.  I wanted to see how the student challenge or don't challenge themselves and how they feel about their math skills.  I can't wait to see what they chose to do.

We exchanged our tests with other students to mark the spelling and Socials on the test.  I find that having the students mark other students spelling tests gives us one last chance to talk about the spelling words.   At 11:20 we had to go to the library to meet with the other grade 4 and 5 students to meet with Constable Danny to talk about and see a video on Halloween Safety.  The students have seen the same video since grade 1 but I still think hearing the safety lessons over and over is not a bad thing.  They then had to answer questions about Halloween safety and with all the great questions and responses we went right up to Lunch time.

After lunch we went to the computer lab.  Today's assignment was to make a poster with border and graphics on Halloween safety.  We will have the students go around to primary classes next week to present their posters and their ideas on Halloween safety to the younger children.

The students left the computer lab and went to music with Mrs. Awalt.   they are learning Rhythm Mapping and singing Halloween songs.  After Music we wrapped up the day by having a Gym period with Mrs. Carlton's class.  We played games boys against girls and class against class.  A great time was had by all and tired and exhausted the students were sent packing.  I have asked them to take one duo-tang home that has work that has to be completed.    Have a great Long weekend.  Take care and see you all on Tuesday.   Mr. W.
Students who loose a tooth go to the office and get a cool tooth holder.

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