Monday, February 18, 2013

Sound Experiments, Spiderwick, and X Tricks

Reminder: Please return your Sip Smart record sheets to Mrs. S. The nursing students who presented to us are coming back next week.

This morning students wrote Spelling Pre-Test 17 and then started Math. We talked about tricks for answering multiplication questions that are x0, x1, x2, x4, x5, x9, and x10. Mr. Wilson has covered some of this with the students but after each student wrote about what they know for each of those x tables, they filled in their missing strategies with ones we brainstormed on the board together. We refered to these "tricks" (strategies) during multiplication practise today. Students chose between an easier page of practise (2 digit x 1 digit) and a harder page (3 digit x 1 digit).
I read aloud from Spiderwick Chronicles while students finished their overdue Science Title Pages or played with playdoh. Before lunch, in Science, we also learned about how our ears hear and tried several experiments that taught us how our ears are different than animals with large ears, how the shape of our ears helps us hear, and what happens when our ears are covered in different ways. Students were very curious about how we hear and many offered insightful observations about ear wax, ear infections, and why our ears pop at higher elevations.

Valentine Art with Warm and Cool Colours
We had a fantastic morning and students were very engaged, respectful, and interested in what we learned about.
This afternoon was a library book exchange, silent reading, and the start of some handwriting bug art. Students handwrote their name, copied its mirror image, and made it into a bug. Some added wings, legs, bulging eyes, etc. The results are very creative and I look forward to seeing the finished results tomorrow.
We ended the day with Benchball for Gym.

Mrs. S

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