Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday morning with Mrs O 'Connor

D had on the perfect shirt for today! We started the day talking about the rights and freedoms we have in Canada and what Remembrance Day means to us. After a class discussion we wrote in our journals.

J and S making silly faces and still working hard on Social Studies.
D and I and S brainstorming and working together. I gave each group a situation where they would need survival resources. Some of the resources included water a compass a rope etc. The task was to write a pro and con list for each resource and then pick the six that they would find most helpful and explain why. This was a fun activity to watch them do. The ideas they came up with and the problem solving skills they used were really impresive. Ask them about what they chose and why.
We started learning about how to conduct a survey and record the results in math. The lunch bell rang and after lunch Mr Wilson will appear. See you tomorrow.

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