Monday, April 22, 2013

This morning students wrote Spelling Pre-Test 24, then in Math did multiplication and division practice until recess. Students were given 2 pages of questions and about half finished in class. Unfinished work is assigned for homework, due tomorrow.

In Science, students finished our class Beaver Research Project (which is a larger model of what students will do for their own animal research project), and completed a Beaver Food Chain.

In Language Arts, we marked poetry work from last week and read several 2 speaker poems as a class (in 2 groups and with individual volunteers to read parts in front of the class). These poems play with language in fun, silly, and entertaining ways with rhythm, rhyme, and repetition. The class's favourite was "It's Time To Go To Bed: I Don't Want To Go To Bed." You can imagine how the poem goes!
After lunch was a Library book exchange, Silent Reading, and 20 minutes to finish work (title pages, Math so they didn't have homework, and Science) before Gym. 
Station 1: S. is a great skipper!

Station 2

Gym was shorter than normal by 15 minutes because of disrespectful behaviour but once we got to the gym quietly, students loved the 3 stations they rotated through (skipping ropes, basketball, and balance activities with beanbags on balance beams). 
Station 3: Can you walk forwards and backwards on the beam with beanbags on your head?

See you tomorrow!
Enjoy this sunny day!
Mrs. Schneider


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