We experimented with flashlights and mirrors to show that light travels in straight lines.

Those students that were finished proudly display their Provincial Projects.

Our class poses in front of the New Mural.

Students draw pictures in a Musical art theme.

A wide variety of art was shown to the students by the Victoria Art Gallery
June Calendar
Food for Fun Pizza lunch for June 10 Orders in by June 7 please
We need drivers for our field trip on June 15th We are leaving at 9 and returning for noon.This morning began early at school as we prepared for the dedication of the mural and thanked the many parents for their support and help in the school.
After the dedication we went to Library and Computers... those students who were finished their Provincial Projects worked on power point then had free time as a bonus for finishing their projects. Those students who were not finished had extra time to work on their projects on the tables in the library.
After Recess we had a special Art presentation from the Victoria Art Gallery. They presented Art under the theme of Music. There were a large number of art pieces with music somehow in the theme. There were a large variety of pictures of various mediums and styles. One of the favorite was a painting of a zucchini on piano keys. The students then worked to create their own art inspired art.
After lunch we read for 35 min then in Science the students did experiments to show that light traveled in straight lines until it was reflected, refracted or absorbed. The main concept is that light travels in straight lines, creates shadows and can be reflected. We ended the day with a rousing game of Slimers island with Ms. Buridge's grade 4/5 class. Great day everyone.
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