Students compete and cheer on the team at the track meet today.
Next tuesday plan to be at the school by 8:30 for parent appreciation and the Mural unveiling.
We began the day working on our writing project for half an hour before the track students were called to the gym for uniforms and to get ready to catch the bus. All but 8 of the students in our class went to the track meet.
After our track students left the non-track students from Ms. Borrage's grade 4/5 class joined us. The students were paired up with students in our class and given the choice of 8 different topics to do a group report together. For the students in both classes it was a great opportunity to work with and get used to other students in the school who they may have to share a class with in grade 5. The day went very well as we worked on group reports, played Slimers Island in the gym with Mrs. Favell's grade 3 class, watched part of the 'Sword and the Stone," played Simon Says and read for a bit until the rest of the class arrived at the end of the day.
Fridays test is the spelling words, adding fractions with like denominators, reducing fractions to simplest form and division.
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