Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday June 13

Students work on their Christopher Columbus reports and square dance in Music

We are still in need of drivers for our field trip
Please get your signed field trip notices in before our field trip on Wed

We began the day with spelling; ready, dead, early, rest, build, built, heaven, weather, clouds, suit, pull, full, hunting, reading, falling, talking, learned, telephone, Bonus: Boston Canucks

The students then worked on their Christopher Columbus project until recess. This project is due Wednesday June 15th. The students were given a 12 paragraph information sheet and had to summarize each of the 12 paragraphs with a picture.

After recess the students did a one page report on Alexander Graham bell who invented the telephone. This famous Scottish born Canadian was researching sound to develop tools for the deaf. This ties into both our famous Canadian theme and our Science theme of Sound.

In Math we worked on adding and subtracting mixed numbers (whole numbers with fractions) with the same denominator (2 1/4 + 3 2/4) most students got the concept but had trouble putting the answers into simplest form.

After lunch those students not in choir listened to and did a one page report on Led Zeppelin. This was followed by a period where the students either worked on catching up on work or made crafts for their stores which will be open for the first time on Wed afternoon after our field trip. The day ended with the students going to Music with Mrs. Awalt.

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