We began Friday WITHOUT our regular test. Regular spelling will begin again next week along with testing in Socials, Science and Math. We began the day talking about houses and Igloos. The students finished their report on how igloo's are made then they used construction paper, paint, tinfoil and white paper to make a mixed media presentation, on one piece of paper, showing their house and an igloo. Some students worked in pairs, others worked by themselves. I played the Pete Seeger song, 'Little Boxes' a dozen or so times until the students had it stuck in their heads. We will write out and discuss the meaning of the song next week.
Those students finished used the time to finish their Peter Pan chapter one assignment, the last few seal masks and their neverland writing assignment.

During buddies the students used pogs to help with teaching the grade 1's adding then found appropriate reading level books to read with the students. If the students had trouble reading then the students picked a lower level book, if they had a few problems re-read a book at that level and if the buddy had no problems they jumped up a level.
After buddies I re-read chapter 1 of Peter Pan and the students took more notes then had to retell the chapter in 50 words or less. I like the idea of limiting their number of words as the lower students think it is great and it challenges the higher students to summarize while both groups try and find the main important points.
We ended the day with a romping, challenging game in P.E. against the grade 5 class.
Mrs Schneider has posted on the board that there is a Science test Monday, on Light.
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