Reminder: Please remember to read at home each night and ask a parent/guardian to sign the Nights of Home Reading sheet.
Science Station 1: Find 2 shakers that make the same sound |
New lunch program forms also went home yesterday.
This posting is late because I've been under the weather with a cold/flu. I taught the class yesterday (Monday) and Ms. Abra, a TOC, taught the class this morning because I was unable to come in. She emailed me to say that the morning went really well. I'm happy to hear that and you all should feel good about having a respectful, calm morning :-)
Science Station 2: List sounds found in nature and people-made sounds |
Monday -
In the morning students had Spelling; Science stations about Sound that they rotated through in small groups;
Language Arts where they completed a planning page for their modern fairy tale, brainstormed alternative words for said to use in their writing, reminders about how to use quotation marks for dialogue, then they started writing their fairy tales; and Math where we played a multiplication team race game. Students could help each other or pass when it was their turn. The winning team was dismissed for lunch first.
After lunch was Library, Silent Reading, time to work on their fairy tales, and Gym. During Gym they played Slimers, which was a hit with everyone.
Found instruments: What sounds can you make? |
Science Stations |
Mrs. S
Science Station: What sounds can you make with found instruments? |
Math team game |
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