Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Reading, Library, Music and Good news Bad news

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We began the afternoon with the Calvin and Hobbes.  In the cartoon Calvin is battling a pile of leaves that are trying to eat him.   He disperses the leaf pile and spreads it all over the yard so it won't attack anyone else.  The last frame is his mom saying to his dad.   "I thought you said you were going to rake the yard today."  the dad replies, "I DID rake the yard.  I spent all afternoon.... WHERE'S CALVIN?   We talked about some cartoon effects used by Watterson to show motion and speed.  This was followed by 15 minutes of reading.  After reading the students had a make-up book exchange library period because yesterday they did not have library because of Remembrance day. I have noticed an abundance of Calvin and Hobbes books being taken out of the library and permeating  the class since we started doing a C & H cartoon a day....  hope your enjoying them at home too.

New books from the Library.

 After library the students went to music with Mrs. Awalt. They continued on their rhythm exercises and preparation for the Winter concert.  This year's production is "Is Santa Smarter than a 5th Grader."  Sounds hilarious... can't wait although not sure what the stage setup will involve.  (Myself and the class are usually in charge of the stage.)

After music we began this weeks Mini-book based on Good News... Bad News by Jeff Mack.  This is basically like "Fortunately Unfortunately," however, there are no words except for good news and bad news.  The students have to tell their story using mostly pictures.  On one of their pages they have to use the same motion animation we looked at in the above cartoon in one part of their story.... Can't wait to see the results.  They seemed excited and wanted to rush ahead with their drawings even after the bell went.

Some students are madly trying to finish off their notebooks as report cards go home next week.  If they feel panicked tell them not to rush their work.  I will accept 1 good one in place of 2 rushed ones.  So if they have three to complete, have them complete one really well and I will forgive the other two.  Next term they will know the advantage of working every day, and taking homework, rather than hoping the work will magically get done, or forgotten.    See you all tomorrow.  Mr. W

Great example of animation movement....

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