Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Addition, Poppies, more Poppies, Choir and Tommy Prince

Calvin doing a subtraction question

Chocolate sales fundraiser.
Students with uniforms please wear them for the Color watch tomorrow at the Assembly.
The assembly is after recess at 10:45 ish
(Parents are welcome to come, the choir is singing and we feature lots of our student's art.)

 We began the day with a math subtraction race.  the students were given a double sided sheet, 100 questions.  Half of the sheet was subtraction and the last half were subtraction with borrowing.  The race was  to focus the task, however, as Mrs. Schneider has been noting, the students were quick to focus on their own.  Of course our best students took the race more seriously than others.  One student only had one shoe on when I said 'go' to begin the math race, the shoe did not get put on until side one was finished.  One student, upon boasting about being ahead of everyone, had her paper moved to the back when she was not looking, it started a foot race to get the paper back to her desk.  Part of my educational philosophy is that the students are there to entertain me.  They are so serious and so great and they do entertain me. 
Missing a shoe
rounding the second corner
Rushing to finish

Students then wanted to do show and tell.  K showed the cool recorder she bought with her birthday money.  She spent the rest of the day, including recess, trying to learn songs.  Mrs. Awalt is inspiring the musicians in the class.  Two other students also wanted to share.

E wanted to show a cartoon character he has created.  Box man.  With all the usual box talents.
 S showed a small hand drum that her father got.  thanks S
After Math we talked about the importance of the poppy as a symbol of sacrifice.  The students made a poppy border then wrote what they knew about the importance of the poppy.  Tomorrow they will learn more about Remembrance Day itself. 

After recess we made poppies for the Remembrance day wreath.  Each class makes a wreath for the Assembly and it is presented by two students and displayed at the assembly.   I usually choose the  two students from the Color guard.

Our amazingly creative wreath with poppies and doves.
 At about 11:10 we finished the wreath and went to the computer lab to do our bit to get into the Art presentation which will be shown at the Assembly.  The students were to draw a picture to commemorate Remembrance day and write a statement about peace, war, poppies, soldiers or whatever moved them.   The students art and words move everyone deeply at the assembly, so come along and add your energy to the event.

After lunch the students went to choir.  Those students not in choir listened to and did a one page report on Bob Marley.  We listened to his songs of peace as the students drew and wrote about him.

Following Choir we studied the war hero Tommy Prince who spent his childhood growing up on a First Nations reserve north of Winnipeg.  During the second World war he joined the army, along with many other Aboriginal peoples and won a total of 10 medals for bravery. 

Great day everyone.  See you all tomorrow.  Mrs. Schneider is in for me in the morning as I have to decorate the gym for the special Assembly.

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