We started with a quick look at subtraction. This was followed by a Calvin and Hobbes with a great strip showing suspense and foreshadowing, two great literary concepts that Mrs. Schneider and I will teach and study this year. Watterson does not use words, but his effect using pictures was what we tried to achieve in the last mini-book "Good news, Bad news."

As a continuation of our Social Studies on Poundmaker, and the great chiefs. The students were divided into three groups. The boys made up one group, and the girls were divided into two groups. The girls were divided into groups depending on what month of the year they were born. Those born in Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June in one group the those born in Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, and November in another. The group topic was "If the chief has always been a boy for the last 1000 years, should it now be possible for a girl to become chief?" The boys were given the option to join the girls group if they thought a girl should be allowed to become chief, and the girls could join the boy group if they thought girls should not be allowed to become chief. (No boys or girls switched groups). The students worked in their groups for 15 minutes of very productive and animated conversation. We then went to the computer lab and the students were given 15 minutes to research the qualities of leadership.

After recess the students were then given 15 minutes of reading before answering the question "I would be a good chief because." in their M.E. The class is now involved in a contest to pick a class chief. A list of activities given by the class to choose our new chief were as follows: a speech, a dance off, the fastest runner, who can keep a rocket candy in their mouth the longest without it dissolving, completing a puzzle, farthest jumper, memory game, farthest and most accurate thrower, drawing skills, obstacle course, ninja skills. The skill challenges will be done as individuals and in a group. We will begin the contest tomorrow in gym and by next Friday will have our chief for the week. We are going to film it and run it like a reality t.v. show with elimination rounds. I also have a challenge using rocket candies based on the principles of the pot-latch to help determine our chief.
We are going to start the "Who wants to be Chief contest" with most of the boys and up to 6 volunteer girls to compete for chief. We can choose a girl as we have precedent with Poundmaker who we studied yesterday. He was a twenty one year old from the enemy Cree nation yet he was chosen to be the son and future chief of the Blackfoot nation. If Poundmaker could become a Blackfoot chief why couldn't a girl be chosen to be our chief.
Those students trying out for the position of Chief |
After lunch we had computers where we worked on reproducing a worksheet with borders, inserted graphics and images, underlining and bolding words, centering test and aligning it to the right or to the left of the page. The students then went to music where they worked on our Winter concert songs and rhythm exercises. Our Winter performance song is a
Hawaiian song sung to Ukulele, accompanied by Sign Language. It looks and sounds great, can't wait to see it live in December at the afternoon or evening performances.
We finished the day working on the large art folders given out by Mrs. Schneider or their Inuit inspired Seal masks.
Great day everyone:
Here is the information for tomorrow's test.
Will be multiple choice question. What was strange about the Cree youth being adopted by the Blackfood chief? [ The Cree were traditional enemies of the Blackfoot]
Will be multiple choice question. How did Poundmaker get his name [He was great at making buffalo pounds] The buffalo pound was a hunting device constructed by native peoples of the North American plains for the purpose of entrapping and slaughtering buffalo
List 8 items that the Inuit made from, or out of, the seal.
12 + 6 + 8 + 14 =
10 + 2 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 4 =
10 + 6 + 10 + 10 + 4 =
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40
Find Friendly Numbers (groups to 10) to help you add:
1. 12 + 6 + 8 + 14 =
2. 27 + 5 + 63 =
3. 34 + 17 + 26 =
1. Name 3 natural sources of light:
2. Name 3 man-made sources of light:
LA What parts of writing does COPS ask you to check when you are rereading your work to find your own errors?