Please bring in the entertainment books/envelopes to wrap up our parent fundraiser.We began the day with our weekly spelling lists. We have two lists, one I call the angel list and the other the demon list, names chosen by the class several years ago to describe the two lists. The angel list is the easier words and the demon list is the harder words. I asked one of the not so bad spellers why they were only doing the simple angel list and they said they couldn't do the harder demon list because they are Christian, so I am accepting name changes for the two lists. The students pre-test along with last weeks marked spelling test is being sent home today.

After Spelling we worked on a story that builds expectation, excitement, anticipation then in the very end there is a surprise ending, a twist in the story that changes the expectation of what is happening. We used the story "A Dark Tale" by
Hugh Brown as our inspiration.

After recess we had reading then Talked about the "Tour
de Rock"and did a one page report on it. This was followed by math where we divided into two groups to work on more tricks of addition. One group stayed in the class with Mrs. Smith and the second went with me to the library where we had more space and the ability to spread out and to be noisier.

After an indoor rainy lunch the students needed to run off some steam so luckily we had P.E. We did a series of ball and roller relay games. P.E. was followed by Art inspired by the African
Nounmouffa musicians and dancers from the Friday presentation. The goal of the art exercise was to see if they could show motion, rhythm and feeling of music in a flat two dimensional piece of art using chalk pastels. The students worked with smearing, streaking and color mixing to try and achieve the feelings contained in music and dance. In the middle of the art lesson we had a Fire Drill in what was one of the few times the rain stopped for 15 min. The moment we were back in the school the rain began to pour down again, not sure if it was good luck or good planning.
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