Thursday is picture day, dress nice, bring back forms
We started the day with the practice pre-test for this weeks spelling words. All students were told to take their practice spelling test and the full spelling list of words home. I did not get time to update the spelling words on the blog but will do it tomorrow.

This weeks mini book is part vocabulary part learning about synonyms (words that mean the same thing) to make their writing more interesting. The book is called "I am Big"
The students were given the following list of synonyms for big:
large, great
a whale of a, ample, awash, brimming, bulky, *, burly, capacious, chock-full, colossal, commodious, considerable, copious, crowded, enormous, extensive, fat, full, gigantic, heavy-duty, heavyweight, hefty, huge, hulking, humongous*, husky, immense, jumbo, mammoth, massive, mondo, monster*, oversize, packed, ponderous, prodigious, roomy, sizable, spacious, strapping, stuffed, substantial, super colossal, thundering, tremendous, vast, voluminous, walloping, whopper, whopping
itsy, little, small, tiny
We talked about which ones were appropriate synonyms for describing a person or thing rather than a space or lots of power. The students have to write a mini-book using many of the synonyms of big. This is as much a vocabulary builder as a lesson in writing stories.

After lunch the students not in choir listened to the amazing music of Johan Sebastian Bach and completed a one page report on Him.

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