Keep bringing in the Entertainment books/envelopes.

Some of our students who have sold many Entertainment books.
We began the day with our weekly spelling test which was marked, recorded and passed back for the students to take home. Some of the students have been saying the easier of the two spelling tests is too easy. This is good as I purposely chose to start simple for the lower spellers to give them the feeling of doing well at spelling.
During math groups we again divided into three groups. A beginning group, a middle group and an advanced group. The advanced group came with me and we went to the library. At Tillicum we have been very successful at teaching reading as we understand that those students who are good at reading have strategies they use to think about text before, during and after reading. I am trying to take the same approach with math. I know students who are ahead in math have not only learned the basic facts and simple steps but are using strategies even if they don't know them. So to help my group I am pointing asking them to think about what they are thinking about what they are doing math. So with the advanced group we have been looking at the whole question first, rather than seeing the plus sign and beginning a robotic process of adding it. (The robotic step by step process does work but only teaches process rather than math thinking) An example of the approach I am using is I ask them to add 190 + 247. I then show them that the question is really 200 + 237 if they look at the whole question. They see that 190 is 10 away from 200 so they borrow 10 from 247 and add it to the 190 to make 200.
We ended with the question 530 +499 +399 + 299 + 199. Many of the advanced students still started to add it all together in the way they have been taught right to left... 0+9+9+9+9 = 36 carry the 3 then 3+ 9+9+9+9 = 42 carry the 4 + 5+4+3+2+1= 19 so it all adds up to 1926... it works but it is way easier to think of 499 as 500 and 399 as 400 etc. so the question then becomes 500+500+400+300 +200+ 30 which equals 1930 then - 4 = 1926. The advance group are beginning to get the idea of using strategies and tricks to make questions easier to work with.
Students working on mask one page reports
After recess until lunch we looked at pictures of a wide variety of First Nations masks and read about how the First Nations people use and have used masks for cultural dance and theatre, for battle, for decoration, for healing and for trade and sale. After our study of how masks have been used, the students worked on a one page report and then, in pairs, worked at making masks out of paper. As Halloween is approaching it is appropriate to look at First nations masks now and we will also be looking at many types of masks and how masks are used in a variety of societies, including ours, over the next few weeks. As I love masks and making masks this is only our first of many attempt to make masks this year.

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