Assembly at 2:00 tomorrow our class is performing
I can't wait to read them when they are done.
We began the day with 20 min of Silent Reading while I took attendance and prepared the materials for the day. After reading the students were assigned this weeks mini-book. They are to write a book based on the pumpkin they, or any other class mate, decorated. The could say how it came to be, (for instance if they decorated their pumpkin like a cat they could write about a cat is becoming or the pumpkin is becoming a cat) or they could write a story where their pumpkin goes on an adventure.
After recess we had socials the students worked on how the Haida traditionally caught halibut. The students were assigned a one page report with illustrations on how the often 80+ kg fish were were ingeniously caught without modern techniques.
After Socials we broke into two math groups. One with Mrs. Colley worked on three number by three number subtraction. My group worked with subtraction with numbers like 5000 - 37 where they had to borrow and re-borrow as they went along. At first they were mostly mystified on how to do them but by the end all were easily completing them.
After lunch we had P.E. followed by Art. We worked with the medium of Oil pastels. The students had to use unusual colors to create a Halloween scene. Pumpkins could not be orange, grass could not be green etc. the only exception was ghosts could be white. This was our first time working with oil pastels and I wanted the students to explore working with the medium more than I wanted any specific product. We have worked with chalk pastels and Friday I will have them finish these pictures using the chalk pastels to solidify the different strengths and weaknesses of each medium.
Be sure and check out the photo gallery on the right as I am uploading quite a few new pictures today.
See you all tomorrow afternoon as Mrs. O is in in the morning.
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