Learning rhythm and beat in Music
List One the angel list:
cot mop job dog Mom top pot mob log rod dot cob sod rob cod fog
List One the demon list:
frost golf chop job clock soft shock shop hot strong honk hop slosh long rob cost lock top drop snob
After spelling we read the book " Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" by Mo Willems. The students mini book for the week is a take off on it like "Don't let the pigs clean your room." or "Don't let the wolf look after the sheep." The students loved the book and were quite excited about doing their own take off on it.
After recess the students went to music where they are still practicing rhythm and beat. They are learning to listen for and clap along to annotated music as a step in reading music. From the picture you can see that Mrs. Awalt also has some floor honkers where the students use their feet to tap out the rhythms. Very cool, we are so fortunate to have such a creative and talented music teacher as Mrs. Awalt. Our students will be performing at the safety assembly Wednesday the 26th so be sure to come along to watch.
After music we continued on with our math tricks of addition level in two groups as Mrs. M our assistant works with another class on Mondays.
After lunch we had choir. Those students not in choir listened to the music of and did a one page report on Chopin the astonishing piano player.
After choir we had Social studies. We looked at and talked about First nations protection crests. The students then designed a protection crest with four sections for themselves. the class brainstormed different things that can help protect you. They came up with Family, Friends, Knowledge or Love (things they have learned) and then an animal. They drew their crests. Those students who settled down to work and paid attention had a 15 min bonus computer period while the slower ones had extra time to finish their work.
I am absent tomorrow but have put in for Mrs. O'connor to sub for me. Either way I will see you all Wednesday.
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