Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Reading, Remembrance day thoughts, Math, Choir, How Canada got it's name and an assembly

Remembrance day Assembly tomorrow after recess, starting 10 45 ish. 
(cubs, cadets, guides, brownies etc. please bring along your uniforms and join the Honor guard)

Check your child's bag several notices are coming home tomorrow.  One of the big ones is a poinsettia fundraising sale.  The prices are very reasonable and the poinsettias are great quality.  Please help support the parent group in it's fundraising efforts as it benefits your children directly.

We began the day with silent reading, then after about 30 minutes we went up to the computer lab and the students drew and wrote a statement on Remembrance day to be used in the Remembrance day slideshow tomorrow after recess around 1045.  Remembrance day is Monday, but as Mrs. Awalt, who runs the choir and much of the sacredness of the Remembrance day assembly does not work on Fridays so we are having our Remembrance day Assembly tomorrow.

After recess the students wrote about Remembrance day trying to answer  4  questions.  1. What is Remembrance day? 2. How do we celebrate Remembrance day?   3.  What do the poppies represent? and 4. Why is peace important? 

About 40 minutes later the students worked on a mixture of addition and subtraction questions until just before lunch.

After lunch those students not in choir read about and listened to the music of Enigma.  Enigma is a German new age band formed in 1990.  Their haunting sounds are very relaxing and meditative.

After Choir we talked about how Canada got it's name.  Jaques Cartier is credited with spreading the name Canada.  It is believed that the name Canada might be based on two First Nations words one Kanata a word for village, or Kan atta a word for sacred place.  We also talked about how Greenland (a land of ice) and Iceland (a very green Island) got their names.   The students worked to complete a one page report on the topic.

After that we went to a recognition assembly (even divisions: we are odd) where the grade ones performed Canada in my pocket and short videos of the soccer and cross country teams were honored.   Thanks Ms. Edwards, Mr. D, Mrs. Smith and the others who gave of their time and energy to provide practice, training and organized a competition. 

We then cleaned up and the students went home.  Please remember to send your children in any uniforms they might have for our honor guard procession for Remembrance day. (cubs, cadets, guides, brownies etc)

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