Monday, May 27, 2013

How is Your Energy Today?

This morning students wrote Spelling Pre-Test 29, then completed a reflection about their energy levels (in the red, orange, yellow, green, or blue zone) and reviewed strategies to return to feeling calm, alert, and able to learn.
We've been practising various strategies (exercises to rejuvenate ourselves in a movement break during work times or as a way to exert pent up energy and regain focus). Some student uses many of these strategies on their own, without prompting, such as S. who drums his fingers on his desk or on his knees to use up extra energy and regain focus, or Sh. who asks to play with Play-doh if she is finished work instead of talking to the people around her, or E. and H. who squish Play-doh while Silent Reading, or students who ask to get a drink of water for a movement break during work times.

Thoughtful response to how to return to calm, alert, and ready to learn.

Making a background to glue Hamster paragraphs onto
After recess, students continued working on their Science Research projects.
Everyone's paragraphs are due today, and 2 people finished their projects. Many students are close! After everyone is finished (they are due tomorrow), students will present their research to the class.
Snail research project

After lunch was Library for a book exchange, Silent Reading, a bit of time to work on Science, and then 4 Corner Soccer in Gym. Everyone had a lot of fun, everyone displayed sportsman/womanship, and everyone left sweaty :-)
See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Schneider

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