Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday April 24:

Report cards will be handed out next week and will cover your student's progress as we discussed at the Student-Led conferences.  This is the first year your child will receive letter grades which reflect their standing not in the class but against a provincial norm. 

We began the day talking about driving and driving practices and how you, their parents, think about driving.  The students then had to do a one page report with pictures on driving.

Writing was followed by Reading for 30 minutes.  Some students can read forever and moan when we have to stop.  Most of the class focused and read quietly for 20 minutes before getting fidgity.

After reading we continued to work on division.  Yesterday we started with division questions that were the reverse of basic multiplication facts.(20 divided by 5)  Then we worked with questions that had a remainder one. (16 divided by 5)  Today we worked on large multiples of 5 and there were no remainders.  (175 divided by 5).  I tried to show them that division becomes more complicated but is often easier with larger numbers as you don't have to memorize facts you break the questions down into small simple steps.  175 becomes 17 etc.

After lunch we have P.E. where we played Dr. Dodge ball and had a Gladiator challenge.  After P.E. the students practiced handwriting on one of two quotes, one about merry-go-rounds, the second on  big decisions. As always they had to illustrate and color the page with a border.

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