Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Handwriting, Metis Presentation, and Rainbow Poems

Metis items our presenter brought in today
Students started the morning by practising Handwriting and then enjoyed a fantastic, informative, and interesting Metis presentation on Metis history and the Metis flag, traditional way of life, handicrafts, inventions, clothing, etc. Thank you to Mr. Wilson for organizing for our guest speaker to come today. She will also return on Friday to do Metis handicrafts with the class.

T. explaining what the infinity sign means and how he dances at powwows in the infinity pattern
Today, our presenter brought 2 large suitcases full of Metis things, like leather mocassins, musical instruments (fiddle and wooden spoons), HBC blanket, fur clothing, leather pouches, books on Metis history, and clothing. A few students in our class are Metis and they also shared their knowledge with the class as topics were discussed. Students had lots of relevant questions and our presenter answered all of them.

Some students stayed in for part of recess to look at the items our presenter brought and to ask more questions.
We thanked our presentor and are looking forward to her return on Friday.

After recess, 2 groups worked with Ms. Koch during literature circles, while the remaining students worked on a concrete poem (whose words form a shape of what the poem is talking about), using adjectives, similies, and the colours of the rainbow. Students wrote a rough draft, proofread it, and then made a final copy with colour. The ones that are complete are visually appealing and very well written. 
Students who finished their concrete poem selected one of the poems they have written and wrote final copies of them with a border, picture, and colour. Once all students have finished their final copies of their own poems, we'll display them on a bulletin board.
See you next week!
Mrs. Schneider

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