Monday, April 29, 2013

Spelling, Insect Art, and Gymnastics

Notices went home in the last few days.

Please look for them. One is to inform the school if your child is returning to Tillicum Elementary for grade 5. Please return by May 4.

This morning students wrote Spelling Pre-Test 25. Then we started a multi-step Insect Art/Poetry/Science project. Today students completed step 1 of the art project (a realistic pencil drawing of an insect from a real-life photograph). The insects are symmetrical and a few tricks made the drawing part easier.
After recess, students wrote a persona poem about their insect (rough and final copies), and completed their rainbow poem from last week.
After lunch was Library, Silent Reading, and time to work on their Insect art.
We finished the day with Gymnastics stations in Gym. Groups of 2 or 3 rotated through 9 stations where they practised cartwheels, forward rolls, backward rolls, walking on beams, skipping, jumping jacks, tuck jumps, star jumps, v sits, bench jump-overs, and other agility and balance moves. At the end of the class, volunteers demonstrated their skills. It was really fun and many students tried new things, like cartwheels!

Congratulations M. for having your weather picture published in the Times Colonist last week! I'll bring a copy of the picture to school for you.

Mrs. Schneider

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spelling Test, Metis Beading and Weaving, Buddies and Track Practice.

We began the day with our regular spelling test.  This was followed by a catch up writing time.  This time is needed by students who sometimes find it hard to keep up with the pace of work and the faster students.  The students who are finished, and caught up, are always happy to have time to work on the strange and wonderful projects that they have ongoing.
I remember hating old ink quill pens... Todays kids love them
After recess we had the privilege of a visit by Christine from the Metis association and Tessa a master beader.  They guided the students in learning how to make bracelets and do the intricate beading on moccasins.  Some of the students commented: "This is fun," "This is so relaxing,"  "Wow, even the boys are good at this."  Their comments say it all.   It was a great way to learn about culture from doing hands on activities.  Along with experiencing Metis culture first hand, we also learned about the importance and significance of the different color choices and how the arts preserve, continue and grow culture.

 After lunch we had buddies where the students worked on math and reading activities.  The class totally enjoys the experience of being a big buddy and remembers being a little buddy, some even from Mrs. Dagg's class. 

We finished the day with run offs of all the grade 4's to select a track team to compete for Tillicum at the university zone meet. A very active and learning day.  See you all Monday... Mr. W

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Time management, Rights and Responsibilities, Gym and a Political campaign

T shares his light up shirt
 Notices: Spelling test tomorrow

We began the day talking about Time Management and what their family members are doing from the time they wake up until the time they sleep.  The students then did a one page report on a member of their family showing what that person does every half hour during a typical day.  

The students then did a Rights and Responsibility follow up activity with Mr. Stokes.  The students looked at 9 pairs of cards showing rights and their corresponding responsibility.  The students had to decide if the statement on the card was a right or a responsibility.  The list was based on the UN charter for the rights and responsibilities of Children.  The students then had to work individually, in pairs then as a large group to write a definition for what a Right is and what a Responsibility is.  Mr. Stokes was impressed at how much the students knew about their rights and responsibilities compared to when he was younger.

After recess we had a game of dodge, dip, dive and doge with the grade 5's in the gym.  We played boys against girls and class against class.  The grade 5's won by a hair... but it was lots of fun and good exercise after the students had worked so hard on their rights and responsibilities.

S shows some of his dance moves that he wants to be part of his political campaign 

This was followed by music with Mrs. Awalt learning to read music for multiple instruments.  The class played recorder at the last assembly and it was amazing.

We ended the day in either the computer lab or the class working in groups on their Election campaign.  Great job everyone... Study Spelling... also on the test, write a definition of what rights are and give an example and write a definition of what a responsibility is and give an example... see you all tomorrow.. Mr.W and Mr. S

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Royalty study, Area, Earthquake drill, Glenn Miller, Rights and Responsibilities as Canadians

Keep the Spring Fair basket things coming in....

 We began the day talking about traits of royalty then filled out a questionnaire / quiz to see what royal traits members of their family have.  It was fun and very entertaining how many of the traits are things like humility, serving others etc instead of ruling and doing whatever you want.  Like many students think that being an adult is doing whatever you want whenever you want..... Oh how they will learn one day about not just our rights but our responsibilities.

 In math Mr. Stokes taught a lesson on Area using hands on manipulative's and graph paper.  The goal of the lesson was to learn about 2D shapes having length and width.  This is a preparation for 3d  shapes which have length, width and height.  At 9:50 the lesson ended abruptly as we had an Earthquake drill that took us to recess.  The students went under their desks for 1 min then had to exit the building and gather in the field with our buddy class.  

After recess we talked about the Arctic Explorer, Samuel Hearne.  Samuel Hearne, explorer, fur trader who joined the navy at age 11 and at age 18 joined the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC).  He was  was chosen to search for a western passage, by river or sea, across the Barren Lands.

After lunch those students not in music listened to the music of and did a one page report on the Big band 1940 music sensation Glenn Miller.  Glenn Miller was an American big band musician, arranger, composer, and bandleader in the swing era.

After Choir the students began a Socials unit on Political structures in Canada and in B.C.  Mr. Stokes began with the students talking about our rights and responsibilities as Canadians.  This unit will follow the current election happening in B.C. and will be linked to First Nations Self governance.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Handwriting, Metis Presentation, and Rainbow Poems

Metis items our presenter brought in today
Students started the morning by practising Handwriting and then enjoyed a fantastic, informative, and interesting Metis presentation on Metis history and the Metis flag, traditional way of life, handicrafts, inventions, clothing, etc. Thank you to Mr. Wilson for organizing for our guest speaker to come today. She will also return on Friday to do Metis handicrafts with the class.

T. explaining what the infinity sign means and how he dances at powwows in the infinity pattern
Today, our presenter brought 2 large suitcases full of Metis things, like leather mocassins, musical instruments (fiddle and wooden spoons), HBC blanket, fur clothing, leather pouches, books on Metis history, and clothing. A few students in our class are Metis and they also shared their knowledge with the class as topics were discussed. Students had lots of relevant questions and our presenter answered all of them.

Some students stayed in for part of recess to look at the items our presenter brought and to ask more questions.
We thanked our presentor and are looking forward to her return on Friday.

After recess, 2 groups worked with Ms. Koch during literature circles, while the remaining students worked on a concrete poem (whose words form a shape of what the poem is talking about), using adjectives, similies, and the colours of the rainbow. Students wrote a rough draft, proofread it, and then made a final copy with colour. The ones that are complete are visually appealing and very well written. 
Students who finished their concrete poem selected one of the poems they have written and wrote final copies of them with a border, picture, and colour. Once all students have finished their final copies of their own poems, we'll display them on a bulletin board.
See you next week!
Mrs. Schneider

Reading, 5 Part Orchestra-Like Activity and Saanich Safety Presentation

Tuesday afternoon began with reading...Most of the students love reading, and so do I, so it is a great time for all of us to travel to many fabulous places quietly together in our minds.  I was on a futuristic planet with a crew trying to save the world from aliens.... then I was back in the class making sure the locals were on task and reading.... ahhh

The Joy of Reading

The students played 5 different instruments along with music

The Saanich Fire department, the emergency response group  and members of the Saanich First aid and paramedics did a presentation to our class on safety during an Emergency.  The program centered around the Emergency Kit which each house should have.  The students played relay games to pick out essential things for the kit.  Along with many games they also reviewed what to do during earthquakes, fires (at school and home) tsunami's and other major earth shaking activities.  The students were given the basic parts of a care kit to take home and discuss with you, the parents.  Take the time tonight, or in the next few days to talk to your children about the safety kit and about a safety plan in case of emergency.

The activity went from 1:45 to 2:45 and was over quickly with the students reviewing a lot of great information about being safe during an emergency.  Great Job everyone ... See you all tomorrow.  Mr. W