Welcome back everyone... It is so nice to see you all again.

We began our day, and the new year with our unit 11 spelling words.
cube, huge, mule, use, hue, rude, cute, fume, tube, glue, mute, cure, dew, few, new, drew, flew, stew, yew, crew. (ue and ew words)
owl, brown, flower, frown, gown, cow, growl, towel, town, tower, clown, vowel prowl, how, howl, ouch, round, mouth, trout, noun, loud, shout, grouch, cloud, down (ow and ou words)
We then talked about New Years Resolutions and the students had to come up with six resolutions for school. They then had to pick one of the resolutions to try and accomplish it. The students worked at coloring a New Years page and wrote out their resolutions.
After recess we had a library and reading period to get the students a new book to read during silent reading (dear: Drop Everything And Read)
After reading until lunch we did a math multiplication programs with the 6 and 7 times tables.
After lunch we had PE and were joined by Mrs. Favell's grade 2 class for 20 min of a roaring game of Slimers Island. We played boys against girls so that we could mix the grade 4's and 2's in a fair way. It was a lot of fun and the grade 2's were exhausted trying to keep up with our grade 4's. Our grade 4's learned to dodge around the grade 2's without running them down.
From Gym we talked about Tuktu (the Caribou) I showed them Inuit clothing made from the skin of the caribou and we talked about hunting methods and how the Migration of the Caribou affected the life style of the Inuit. I miss the smart board for finding pictures so we had to depend on the pictures from the text book. The students were assigned a one page report on the Tuktu focusing on migration. The one page report has to have a picture, information, a title and be colored. Many students managed to finish so they do not have to take it home for homework for the rest it is due on Friday.
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