Provincial Projects due today
Author Eric Wilson coming tomorrow, parents welcome
Author Eric Wilson coming tomorrow, parents welcome
More than enough time has been given IN CLASS over the last two weeks for all students to have finished their Provincial projects, which are due today. Six of the 26 students managed to get their final finished project in today and many others say they just have to color or add the odd picture to finish. The next project is to research a First Nations, Inuit or Metes group and do a very similar project using the research skills used during the Provincial Project. The students can choose from one of the Nations and peoples that I have provided or they can choose to do their project on any First Nations group of their choice. The project will be assigned tomorrow and the students will have two weeks to finish this project.
Monday began with our spelling words for the week. The words were dictated to the students and the students corrected their own spelling sheets as it is best that they see their own mistakes in preparation for Friday's test.
List one: black, clam, fly, glad, plum, bless, clap, flip, glass, plate, block, claw, flake, glove, plant, blow, club, flag, glue, place.
List two: vote, bone, explode, rode, rose, stove, coat, soap, loaf, toast, Joan, goal, shadow, slowly, below, pillow, behold, revolt, bolt, thunderbolt.
After the Pretest was marked the students worked on their double sided spelling sheet for this Unit 16.

After music I continued to read the book "The unmasking of 'Ksan" by Eric Wilson. The students are working on a little novel booklet as we read through the novel. Eric Wilson will be here in the school tomorrow and will be doing a presentation for the school and any parents that are interested in hearing him speak. As I read the first chapter the students checked if their prediction was true or not. As it turns out the story is about the theft of an important ancient raven mask, which is stolen during a dance performance. The students are drawing the moment of the theft, in the middle of the Raven dance when someone in the bear costume came in with a revolver and demanded the mask.

After lunch the students went to choir. Those students not in choir listened to and did a one page report on Boz Scaggs. Choir was cut short as the students went to the Lab at 1:15 with Mr. D to do the first part of the Language Arts FSA. The students returned to class as they finished their FSA test and began working on this weeks mini-book, on Friendship. I provided them with 14 sentence starters for them to do on each page. Friends are, friends always, friends help, friends do.... etc. The students have finish the sentence and draw a picture to go along with their sentence. This mini-book is due as always in a week. Some students worked on there paper mache masks throughout the day as time permitted.

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