We began the day with 30 min. of reading followed by time followed by time to work on our Provincial Mini-book projects. The students are doing a great job on their projects and seem to be enjoying the research. (for directions see monday's blog entry or look to the right side under assignments to see what is to go on each page) At recess the students were allowed into the Maddock field to roll large snow balls. Someone spread the rumor that the class that made the largest snowball would get a pizza party. So the rolling began fast and furious. Our class said they worked the best as a group unlike those grade 5's in .......'s class who cheated. Good working as a group div 4.

We continued this project after recess until we began Math. Math with multiplication of two digit numbers by two digit numbers seemed to mystify many of the students even though I tried to teach it so they could understand. To do this I first showed them that 1 x a number is the number and 10 times the number just adds a 0 to the number. Then I moved to 11 x a number showing that it was the same as 1 x the number and 10 times the number and adding them. By the end of class many had the process but many still seemed like they need more practice with the algorithm.

After lunch we had P.E. and the students chose their own teams and ran and ran and ran.

Have a great day div 4, enjoy the snow and see you all tomorrow.
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