Skating Jan 10 Feb 3 Permission form to go home tomorrow.
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Skating Jan 10 Feb 3 Permission form to go home tomorrow.
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After computers Mrs. Awalt took the students to music class and as we only had about 20 minutes of actual computer time prior to music, after music we went back to the computer lab to finish their work. (I taught them how to spell check in power point, to make and insert a text box and how to use page design and color to emphasize their ideas or concepts. After next week I will introduce other programs such as spread sheets and idea mapping tools in our computer time.

We started the afternoon reading for 15 minutes foll0wed by a computer period where the students worked to wrap up all their unfinished projects. We put the emphasis on them making sure to finish their Explorers Power Point project first.
Great day everyone see you Friday.
Great day everyone see you Friday.
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