Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sudoku Strategies, Lock Down Drills, Fable Films, Computers, Music and P.E.

Lock down drill notices and followup notices were handed out yesterday and today.

We began the day with a Calvin and Hobbes where the father is out camping and fishing in the rain.  He is loving it as a bad day fishing is better than a great day at the office.  Calvin hates it.  Yesterday we talked about a recipe for the perfect day.  As you can see the best day for one person might be the worst for another.  Great opportunity to chat.

Mr Stokes gave them some Sudoku samples that all needed the same strategy to solve them.  The students seem to grasp the basic idea on how to approach doing these math like puzzles.

Lock down Drill
At 9:30 we had our first lock down drill with the students.  Please see notices about them in your child's backpack, if they have cleaned out their mailboxes.  The students are all familiar with fire and earthquake drills but not Lock down drills.  In fact it is the first Lock down drill that I have ever taken part in.   So we talked about the expectations, the  process, and prepared to get away from windows and to sit on the floor hidden with a book or other silent activity to pass the 10 - 15 min quiet drill.  Real lock down drills can last up to 2 hours so you have to be be prepared to get past the boredom and maintain silence.  The class were great with a few infractions that helped us learn what type of things are noisy and what kinds of things are silent and about choosing where and who to sit with.  A great learning activity for us all. 

After recess the students continued making their fable film and film formulator.  The students were engrossed and focused.  They worked hard until lunch, with the odd break for more in our Chief contest.

After lunch we went to the computer lab where the students took a picture of their choice and found words of their choice and made a work of art out the the picture and the text.  The students enjoyed the activity a lot and did a fine job on the produce.  I will incorporate this activity in our next project.
E picked a great picture of Abraham Lincoln to do his Computer one page report.

After computers the students went off to Music with Mrs. Awalt and continued with their recorder and music games.    This was followed by a clean up and a rousing game of ball in the gym with Mrs. Carlton's class.

Great Job everyone.

Friday's test will be spelling and to write about what they learned about lock down drills from our class drill.

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