Skating tomorrow. Please bring your helmet and skating gear.
Pink Shirt Day tomorrow. Stand up to Bullying.
What do Water, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Energy Drinks, Diet Coke, and Coke do to your teeth? |
This morning we played Multiplication Bingo again. Students filled out blank cards with x5, x8, and x10 questions and answers before we played. A. volunteered to be Mrs. S's recorder, writting all the questions and answers on the board as they were called out. Thank you A! She got more math practice than anyone else today because she wrote over 50 questions with their answers on the board while we played.
Multiplication Bingo winner |
Multiplication Bingo winner |
Students worked on their Winslow Homer-inspired art (transforming his oil and watercolour paintings into a continuous line drawings) before recess.
Winslow Homer-inspired Art |
Sip Smart 3 Week Experiment |
After recess we had our 2nd Sip Smart presentation by Camosun Nursing Students. Their interactive, informative, and fun presentation included movement breaks that kept everyone's attention. We found out what teeth look like after sitting in Coke, Diet Coke, Apple Juice, Orange Juice, Water, and Energy Drinks for 3 weeks ... and how these drinks affect our teeth and bodies. Everyone learned about sugar, caffeine, and healthy choices, and some students went home with prizes for answering questions correctly at the end of their presentation.
Movement Break during Presentation |
Desk Tidy |
We had 30 minutes before lunch to finish art, do a thorough desk tidy, and the students who were finished had a few minutes of free time before lunch. Some students played with playdoh, drew, made things out of paper and recyclable materials, or read.
See you next week!

Mr. W is teaching the class this afternoon.

Mrs. S
Hi! I was searching for some good app for learning multiplication and I got Splash Math. Splash Math is a fun and innovative way to practice math and offers basic math problem.Splash Math is also available for grade K-5.