Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Sept 29 with Mrs. O'Connor

Spelling test tomorrow... study lists on the right

The students read silently while I took attendance and then we started the day with a writing activity. I have cards with writing topics on them and I get the students to choose one and then write about that topic. The card that was chosen today asked the students to pick from 5 different topics and 5 different characters. The task was then to write about the topic from the characters point of view.

After finishing our activity I gave the students time to work on the fractured Fairy Tales that we started yesterday, I explained what they are in the last post. Ask your kids to bring the books home when they are finished so you can see all the hard work they have put into them.
After recess we had show and tell. We are working on public speaking skills, however I am asking the students to keep the items in the cloak room during other times of the day.After a person speaks to the class the other students are asked to generate questions about what they have heard and seen.

We currently have quite a few things being worked on so I gave them some time to catch up so we can move onto new activities soon.
During math we continued to work on addition and understanding the math strategies that are being used to solve the problems. We split the students into three groups so they can have more individualized instruction. Mrs Colley joins us and takes a group, I take a group and our wonderful assistant Mrs. M takes a group on the days she is in the classroom during that time.
I am impressed how hard they are working on their math skills.
After lunch we went to Library. The students love library day and enjoyed getting new books to read.
After library we walked back to class and took out our science books. As you know we have been studying habitats and communities. Today I got the students to think about how are personal choices affect habitats and communities. If negative changes happen to a habitat it may put plants and animals in danger. I got the students to think about how their play or actions had affected an animal or plants habitat and then write a letter to it explaining what they had done and how they could change their actions next time. I was impressed with the amazing insights they came up with. This might be an interesting topic to discuss with your kids, they are very excited to share their new ideas.
The students worked hard today, so I took them outside for some DPA, we went for a short run, played a quick game and then came inside and organized our desks. Tomorrow they can start fresh with their books all organized, just like the first day if school! I will see you all next Wednesday morning.

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