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We began the day with two show and tell. Student 'I' shared her remote control super tank, and 'J' brought in a unicorn toy, a mythical magical creature that she likes.
In the half hour before lunch we broke up into three math groups one guided by Mrs. Colley, one by Mrs. M and one by me. We worked on addition and each group worked at their appropriate math level.
After recess we had our first Buddy class where we learned strategies as older buddies for working with beginning readers. There are 16 little buddies and 26 of us. Today all were trained and had a chance to interact and read with a little buddy in Mrs. Dagg's grade 1 class... in the future we will take turns during buddy activities, some students with little buddies the others working in the class.
We ended the day by having the little buddies join us in the gym for relay races. It was fun, it was hilarious and we got to know our little buddies and they got to know us.
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