We began the day with a five minute name game "7-up" to help the new students to the class and school learn and remember the names of all the students. After attendance and the game the students began their third mini-book, "An ABC of me" The students are making an ABC book of themselves. It will have their likes and dislikes and things about themselves for each of the letters of the Alphabet.

After music the students had 15 min to work on their new mini-book and make sure they finished their last week's mini-book on fear. Music was followed by Math where the students worked in their groups on addition.
After lunch most of the students in our class went to choir. Those students not in choir had a musical appreciation period where they listened to music by Beethoven and worked on a one page report oh him.
After choir the students had 10 min of free catch up time followed by Social Studies. In social studies we studied the West coast Longhouses. We compared them to temporary structures such as the igloo and the tepee. The students worked on completing a one page report on the Longhouse.
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