Choir members going to UVIC need to meet in Mrs. Awalt's room by 8:30 am tomorrow morning.
Purdy's Chocolate Orders are due by March 6.
Please return February Home Reading Forms.
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This morning students wrote their Spelling Pre-Test. Everyone had the same list this week, with spring-themed words. After Spelling we finished our Sound unit in Science with 2 fun activities: a soundscape and rhythm patterns made with lummi sticks.
Lummi Sticks Rhythm Game |
A soundscape is a series of sounds that mimics something in real life (ex. the course of a thunderstorm from start to finish), using common items found at home or in the classroom. Today 1/2 of the class closed their eyes and listened while the other half made a thunder and lightning storm with a piece of paper (waving it, tapping lightly on it, tapping heavily on it, scrunching it up, flicking the lights off and on, flattening out the paper, tapping heavily on it, tapping lightly on it, and waving it in the air). Then the class switched roles. Try it at home :-) It does sound like a rainstorm with thunder and lightning.
Tap, Clack, Pass, Pick Up! |
Next, students sat in a giant circle and we learned rhythm patterns with lummi sticks, starting simply until the students got the hang of it and then increased the difficulty. Soon the class was passing sticks and flipping one stick 180 degrees, end to end, without missing a beat. We used 4/4 time and used words to help us remember the patterns.
Tap, Flip 180 degrees, Pass, Pick Up! |
Partners created their own patterns |
Rhythms they created |
A rhythm pattern these students created and presented to the class
After recess was a Book Talk on Chester, followed by reading it aloud with the class. Thanks H. for reading Chester's part. I read a chapter from Spiderwick Chronicles aloud, and then students completed a writing and drawing activity about the chapter. Students then finished Artist of the Month title pages, did 2 pages of Handwriting, and worked on Wonderful Word, finding as many little words as they could in photosynthesis.
After lunch was Library for a book exchange, the start of a spring art project, and Gym. During Gym, the class taught me a new game called Yoshi that they learned with a TOC on Friday. It was really fun, like a combination of Slimers Island, tag, and running races. Everyone worked up a sweat and had rosy cheeks when they left.
See you tomorrow!
Mrs. S
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