Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Multiplication, Alexander Mackenzie, Street Names, Greek lunch and How the world was formed...

We began the day working on two by three digit multiplication. We talked about how even the hardest tasks become simple when broken down into steps.  The journey of a 1 000 km begins with a single step.  The students worked along learning the steps, algorithm, for doing two and three digit multiplication.  About 60 % of the students managed to work through the steps even if they did not understand all the why's.  (even though I went through it 10 times).  Mrs. English was passing through the class and I had her explain it too.  We will continue working on more and more advanced multiplication and then division.  

After recess we talked about and did a report on the explorer Alexander Mackenzie.  Mackenzie is known for his overland crossing of what is now Canada to reach the Pacific Ocean in 1793. This was the first east to west crossing of North America north of Mexico and predated the Lewis and Clark expedition by 10 years.

We talked about Mackenzie street and how streets and towns are named after famous explorers, politicians and royalty.  The students then wrote about why a street should be named after a member of their family.

We then enjoyed an amazing lunch thanks to the Greek community, who have adopted our school over the last few years.  Members of the Greek community volunteer, cook and serve a meal to every person, child, assistant and teacher in the school.  They then give us a large check from profits they make during the Greek Days held in Victoria in the summer.  

After lunch we had a short assembly to thank the Greek community with a song from our choir and a cheer from the students.  The rest of the afternoon we looked at a book of maps showing early Canada, with weather, animal, First Nations distribution as well as many old  Canada maps.  Because of questions from the students, we watched two earth science videos about  how earth changes, how mountains rise and are knocked down by erosion and how science believes the world was originally formed and developed over a long period of years.

Take care ... Mr. W.

Spelling Test tomorrow as Friday is Good Friday

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