Several notices went home today. Please ask your child about them.
Please return Friday Sports Day permission forms.
Please return Student Led Conference forms.
Mr. Wilson was away today and I taught the class.
Because tomorrow is a holiday, students wrote their Spelling test this morning, followed by 2 digit x 2 digit multiplication in Math. We went slowly, used colour coded felt pens for the steps I showed them on the board, and did several practise questions together. We also made up an acronym to help students remember the steps for each line of the process.
Students copied the questions into their notebooks as we did them and then checked our answers on a calculator to find out if our collaborative answers were correct.
As we went, step by step, we talked about why each step is necessary and what the 0 means on the 2nd line. Going through questions slowly, step by step, explaining why, and using different coloured felt pens for each step helped many students.
Even if they don't know all of their times tables, they can still answer questions by using their times table chart (up to 100) if they know the process of what to do. By the end of the lesson, many "got" the process. I didn't assign any homework because explaining, demonstrating, doing 5 questions together, and checking the answers took the entire math block. We will continue with this multiplication on Tuesday.
After recess students finished their Insect Shoe Art (on display on the bulletin board outside of our classroom), and decorated Easter egg templates with patterns and carefully shaded them with pencil crayons. In Science, we read and discussed an article on animal habitats and how different animals survive cold Canadian winters, then I read aloud from Spiderwick for the last 20 minutes before lunch, finishing book 1.
After lunch students Silent Read, went to Music for a short time, then went to the fantastic Ache Brasil performance. The Brazilian performers played traditional drums and instruments, danced in traditional costumes, did capoeira, had audience participation (including Elena and Ethan from our class), made us laugh at their comedy, and wowed the students with handsprings and double back flips. They were highly entertaining and the gym was vibrating from the beat of their drums, their gymnastics, and their dancing.
The performance didn't leave time for computers today. With the 15 minutes left in the day, we cleaned up the classroom, I read a story to them, and it was time to go home.
See you on Tuesday!
Mrs. Schneider