Dragons |
Monkey |
Wednesday morning began with M.E. (morning exercise). The students had
to write about what pet they would choose if they could have any pet.
The choices ranged from mythical creatures like dragons, to hippos and
wolves. We worked as a group to brainstorm ideas and themes they should
think about as they wrote their essay. Topics included, feeding,
bathing, exercising, going to the bathroom, where the pet would sleep
etc. I look forward to reading them.
Wolf |
Tasmanian Dev |
After M.E. we talked about tricks in math. Tricks are really
strategies. I put 7+8+3 on the board. I then asked them to think about
how they would go about adding it. All those students good at math
have learned strategies to make things simple for them. Instead of
adding 7 and 8 like the lower students the good students look for
patterns first. So the better math students are able to look for the easy way to do the work, so they add the 7 and 3 to make 10
then add the 8. I am trying to teach them that math is easy, it can get
complicated and need breaking down into steps, but it is easy. Not sure
if they bought it, but when I demonstrated how I can multiply large
numbers like 88642686 by 5, faster in my head than they can with the
calculator, they were willing to listen. I will teach them strategies first.
Caravels |
After recess we did a one page report on the type of ships used by the first European explorers to come to the New World, the Caravels. These are the same ships that we started building models of on Friday.
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20 dollars gets you a green report cover and your pict on the blog |
After lunch we began the day with choir. All of the class except for 5 students joined choir. This is amazing as music is one of the great gifts we can give to ourselves. Those students not in choir had musical appreciation. They listened to and did a one page report on Mozart.
The bank now has accounts |
After Choir we worked on our mini-books based on the book 'Don't Give a Mouse a Cookie' Great day everyone. See you tomorrow.
I am totally agree with your information i love it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing with us.
Dog Grooming