Spending $5 000 |
I would be a shark |
We began the day with a writing assignment in our M.E. on 'How I Would Spend $5000.' At first I said $100 then realized they could spend that in one place so switched up to $1000 then to $ 5000. The students show what they value and how they think when they have to write about how they would spend their money. Many thought of members of their family, of the SPCA as well as the usual things like cell phones, pets and video games. It is a delight to be able to read about how really caring and giving this group of children are.
During the first block before recess we had our first fire drill which went off without a hitch. We knew the fire drill was coming so we had time to brief the students on the procedures, routines and expectations during a real emergency. This may have had something to do with our near perfect first fire drill. There are also drills where neither the teachers or the students know what is happening. I hope we do as well then.
If I could be any animal I would be.... |
As you probably have heard, we have a class money system. The system is designed to motivate some students and to acknowledge the great students, who often do not get the attention and recognition and praise that many of the struggling students do. Many of the students have regular class jobs like pencil sharpening, lunch bucket, board person etc. for which they receive a regular wage ($1.00) per week. As you can see from the photo they are lined up for their Friday Pay. After the fire drill we had a surprise inspection of the desks. The deal in the class is that the desks belong to the class and the students are just renting them. If the desk is clean they do not have to pay the $1.00 weekly rental and receive a bonus $ 1.00 if the desk is super neat. Those students who received a bonus $1.00 are shown in the picture.
Students line up to get their payday for jobs around the class |
Those students whose desks passed desk inspection. |
After recess the students asked for a catch-up period to work on things that they have not had time to complete in class or home. They worked on their title pages in Socials and ME. They also worked to complete 'If I were an animal' and their Terry Fox one page project due today . Some were finished everything so they worked on their 'I Am' mini-books with are due next Thursday. Most work in class is graded on a 10 point scale. 7 being they did the job, 8 meaning they took extra effort in their writing or presentation.... all the way up to 10 where they did an excellent job above the expectation. There is also a 10+ for outstanding effort. Each student can resubmit their work to get a higher and higher mark if they like. With our class money, students who receive less than 7 are not paid and have to keep working to bring the work up to the minimum standard. Achieving a 7,8,9 or 10 on a page pays $1.00 and a 10+ pays $2.00. Last year I used to pay $2.00 for a 10 out of 10, but this class are so advanced I would be broke and they would be too rich so I only pay $2.00 for 10+.
Setting up Writing Book |
Writing out words for the Letters |
After lunch we read for 15 minutes then the class went to buddies where they helped the grade 1's finish setting up their writing books and read to them.
After buddies we had the privilege of having Mr. Clark a storyteller from Aboriginal Nations Resources. He talked to us about his background and the importance of school for all children. He talked about the three First Nations people in our area, taught us a few words in Coast Salish and told us a traditional story from the Chemanis people. The story was about two boys who learned the importance of learning to swim. The students then colored a picture of
Wakes (the Frog) while Mr Clark talked about the accuracy of pictures in the text book. Thank you Mr. Clark you are amazing.
Have a Great and Safe Extended weekend. See you Tuesday. Mr. W
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