Language arts two handouts. Comparing and contrasting a Bee and an Ant The students read through the facts and make a table of things related only to ants, only to bees and things related to both bees and ants. Have the students put the handout form in their Language arts Books.
Handwriting: In their Social studies books. Using the handout Two points of view. The students, in their best printing, write out the paragraph on the words of the Explorer Samuel Hearne. Then in their best handwriting they write out the second paragraph of the Inuit woman’s description of the same area she calls the tundra. (They can put them on two separate pages for two separate marks (2x the reward) Both pages need a picture, color, border… they know the drill)
After Recess:
Group Work. The students like group work. Today they can work by themselves or in small groups of two or three to Invent an animal. The criteria for students to design their project is on the back of the handout. (appearance/ Locomotion/ Diet/ Habitat/ Adaptations/ Life cycle/ Behavior/ defense / Survival/ Special information) The students need to do one page per category. IE one page on their defenses, one page on their habitat etc. If the groups seem to be wandering or loosing track, use the last half hour for them to present their new animal to the class. [Discuss the idea that animals develop and adapt to different environments so if the want to take an existing animal and simply adapt it for another environment that is ok… An underwater elephant… need flippers… gills etc… Or they can create a mythical animal like the Griffin.
After Lunch: 12:45 30 min silent Reading in their desks.
1:15 : The students can work on their mini-books due Friday or can continue to present their animals from the morning.
1:45 Tennis in the Gym. A visiting pro runs the event, help out as needed.
For the last period have the students make a poster on our school virtue of the month, generosity. There is an information sheet on generosity to read over with the students to understand this important virtue and generate talk about it… if you feel tie it in with what is happening in our community (the students collected juice containers for a local boy, and our world (japan)
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