Students with their flat clay images of First Nations, Inuit and Viking images
We started the day trying not to be fooled on this day of fun, April 1st. I managed to get the students to all line up outside again in the rain when the bell went, even though they were already in the school because of the rain buzzer. As well Mr D.. Mrs. Crystal, Mrs. Ireton and Mrs. Wilson had some students from other classes mixed in with theirs. I did not hang around long enought to see if they were noticed. Some said a few extra students in my class would probably go unnoticed by me for days, or is it if a few were missing.... except for some suspicious interest in making sure I had a cup of tea I managed to remain fool free...
Before recess we had our regular Friday test, which has been marked and sent home. The rest of the time before recess was used for catching up on all the work assigned this week.
After recess we corrected the math from yesterday and the students were assigned another two pages on fractions. In Art, following math, the students used modeling clay to make scenes from the Viking settelers to North America or from the First Nations People.
In the afternoon we had Buddies with Mrs. Dagg's grade one class where the students did math with our buddies followed by 30 min of silent reading in our class. Because it was an indoor lunch period and so many of our class are lunch monitors and gave up their lunch, we ended the day playing Literary Bingo.
Have a great weekend.... Mr W
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