Thursday, November 14, 2013

Reading, Self evaluations, fractured addition and long houses,

We began the day reading then moved onto working on a 4 page self evaluation, report card on themselves.  You will enjoy it when it comes home with the report cards next Thursday.  The assignment took 40 minutes after recess before all the students were finished.  It is not easy thinking about yourself.  I thought the students did a fine job of self reflection.

After the self reflection we moved onto math and did similar math questions as we studied yesterday.  Fractured adding as I call it.  Students are given addition questions with blanks where they have to figure out the numbers that go in the blanks.  They are like a pre-algebra like problems. 

In the afternoon we went to the computer lab and the students worked in Power Point to make a show for their choice of Marine animal from the sea-quarium selection.  The students liked the project and spent quite a long time focused and working. 

Computers was followed by Music with Mrs. Awalt.  After music the students continued working on work they had to complete from the last few days.  Most worked on finishing their Long House projects and mini one page reports.

Well done everyone.... study your spelling and see you tomorrow.

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