Friday is Good Friday 6th
Monday 9 th is Easter Monday
Monday 9 th is Easter Monday
Spelling test on Thursday
Student Lead interviews Next week Early dismissal Wed. Thurs.
Student Lead interviews Next week Early dismissal Wed. Thurs.

with one of the 101 dalmatians while kids were painting their masks
"That river, it was full of good and evil together.
It would water the fields when it was curbed,
but then if an inch were allowed it,
it crashed through like a roaring dragon."
The concept in the quote was easy for the students to grasp although no one knew what the word curbed meant. So after a quick vocabulary discussion the students wrote it out and illustrated it with their best handwriting.

After Handwriting and thought of the week we had our weekly spelling pre-test. Remember there are two double sided pages handed out to all students to work on at home as an assist to understanding the spelling words (due Friday after the test: Note all students who achieve perfect on their spelling test are exempted from being taken to task for not completing their spelling work sheets). The students only had 5 min to start their spelling sheets so I will give them time later in the day.
Weekly Spelling words: then, else, edge, when, tenth, empty, sketch, easy, eager, sneakers, mean, fifteen, receive, piece, believe, spelling, people, squeeze. (focus: ea words; i before e except after c rule)
After recess the students had Music with Mrs. Awalt where they worked hard at their recorder and music reading skills. Hopefully the will be able to perform at an upcoming assembly.
This was followed by Math. In math we have begun a unit on reading and making pictographs. We corrected page 171 and pages 172 and 173 were assigned. These two pages will take two days to complete in class after which they will be assigned as homework.

After lunch most of the class went to choir. Those few students not in choir did a one page report on Giuseppe Verdi a child prodigy whose works are know for their strong, sad stories, vigorous orchestral styles, forceful writing for voices and serious drama.
After choir the students were given time to work on their spelling word building skill sheets until 1:45 when the students were given their extra recess for the students in the school achieving 5000 nights of home reading (this was moved from Friday when it was raining).
After choir the students were given time to work on their spelling word building skill sheets until 1:45 when the students were given their extra recess for the students in the school achieving 5000 nights of home reading (this was moved from Friday when it was raining).

In Socials the students continued work on our masks and mask theme. We looked at a picture of a thirteenth-century wooden mask from the deer ceremony from the Southeast.
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