Dress rehearsal at 10:30 tomorrow
Winter Performance Thursday

I had a sub in today. To start the day the students worked on multiplication tables and charts then wrote about which holiday is better, Halloween or Christmas. The students had to write several paragraphs. The first being a statement of choice followed by one where you describe what is good about the one you do not choose. The next paragraph is why your choice is by far the best. The last paragraph is a summation of your choice. The students had their spelling list to use as vocabulary to come up with ideas and I left a list of Halloween vocabulary as well.
After recess until lunch the students had time in the computer lab where they had to finish up their abc books, their mini book and their winter, First Nations or Explorer Power Point.
After lunch the students read then went with their buddies to the gym to make large poinsettias. The poinsettia's are an annual project by Mrs. Dagg and many of you may remember having your child bring one home when they were in grade one. We will use them to decorate the gym for the performance before they are sent home with the grade one buddies.
Great job on the Poinsettias, see you all tomorrow afternoon.
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