Tomorrow is the last day of the year. The class will have a fair well party at the end of the day so it is ok to send in treats for the class.We began the day in computers making cards for anyone we wanted to say thanks to at the end of the year. The students made cards for friends, teachers, assistants and office workers around the school. After the students made cards and had some free time we went for a
rehearsal for the grade 5 recognition assembly.

After recess we went straight to the assembly and the grade 4's were very interested in what they will have to do and go through next year. The assembly began with a good bye to the 12 teachers and support staff that are leaving this year. The students will miss many of them. After that the grade 5's were honored individually, all giving a video message, getting a certificate award finishing off by singing a goodbye song. After the song our class drummed them out of the gym. As we drummed the grade 5's followed in a precession and shook the hand of all the school staff as they filed out of the gym.

In the afternoon those students who have been active in buddies throughout the year went up and read with the buddies a final time then gathered on the playground with them. Mrs.
Dagg gave all the students ice cream bars to thank them for their work with her throughout the year.

We ended the day with a rousing game in the gym against Ms.
Burrages' class. As you can see our class won the final challenge of the year with 'I' scoring the final two points for our class making us the victors.
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