If your child has an old ball cap, that is not precious please send it in to attach to the dragon masks.
The class have begun a school newspaper Blog click on the link to the right to read the news.
The Sneetches is a superb tale of two groups of creatures, some who think they are better than others because of how they simply look and dress. Differing only by a star on the belly or not. The star-belly Sneetches control all the best stuff and think they are better than the others, more popular, and more important than those without stars.
Into this backdrop comes Sylvester McMonkey-McBean an entrepreneur with a message and high technology to take advantage of the ridiculous divide that the Sneetches have made for themselves.
Fortunately, despite being taken advantage of to the last dollar, the Sneetches are able to come together in unity. This story is really how advertising and the fashion and make up industry manipulate us.
The afternoon began with choir: those students not in choir listened to the music of Michael McDonald originally of the Doobie Brothers and completed a one page report.
After choir the class skipped for 40 min as part of our Jump-Rope for Heart program to promote fitness, good eating and living and to raise some money for research. Our class brought in loonies and toonies. The students can bring in a loonie or toonie all week.
Last period was devoted to Social studies and our search for spirit animals and the responsibilities that go with having a spirit animal. When this report is done the students will get a painted rock with their totem animal. If the report is done on time the students get a painted rock with the animal. If the report is not done to the students best quality or if the report is not done on time, the student will get a rock with the name of the animal painted on it. The rest of the students will simply get a shiny rock. The students voted and the project will be due the second day after spring break.
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