Last Friday’s tests were handed back to the students to bring home.
A bus will pick the students at 1020 and we will return around 12:20
morning we have Story Theater Presentation in the Gym at (9 am)
Jump Rope for Heart Presentation
No school for students Pro D- Day
Spelling words: voice oyster voyage annoy choice avoid appoint enjoy moisture noise drown around fountain crowded southwest thousand flour pronounce Bonus: heart
Math: Reading and writing Analog and digital time Pages r179-r180 (most students finished in class time)
Writing: A mini book on Valentines day in anticipation of the All School Write (see below)
This week we are continuing with the unit on Measurement: Telling Time. Now that the government FSA tests are completed our whole focus will be on this unit. As well the students will do a math project, in mini book form, on the history of time.
Writing: This week is the “All School Write” twice a year we have all the students write on a theme. The students work is collected by the grade group teachers and marked together. In my case, I get together with the other grade 4 teachers and we look at all of the writing samples and mark them/ according to the provincial standard. From this sample that we adjust and plan our writing program to help the individual students advance. The Grade 4-5 theme is Celebrations in Feb (Chinese new year, groundhog day, Valentines day)
Instead of writing about a Famous Canadian we started a little book on Valentines day. The mini-books we have done so far have been fiction. This week we will be working on this and several small non-fiction mini books in math and socials. The ‘Valentine’ book can also be used as an outline for the ‘All School Write.’ but will also give the students practice in good research and presentation skills.
Socials: The students will take the research from last week and create another non-fiction mini-book (Pawnee, Hopi, Blackfoot, Sioux, Chippewa, Apache, Nez Perce or one of their choice if there is a personal or interest connection)
Music Appreciation: for those not in choir: Dire Straits
Science: This week we are looking at how weather affects us. The students will look at the job done by meteorologists. In groups the students will have to prepare and present a weather report. If time permits we will have a small debate on the proposed changes to the law to limit people under 18 from using tanning beds from last week.
Language Arts:For the next two weeks we will continue to focusing on Read For the Top, as 24 students from our class are involved in the competition. We are reading books in the class and practicing making, and answering questions for round one. Those students who make it past round one will have to use more of their own time in small groups to study and practice as they move on to the next levels.
Times tables to be mastered this week 6x, 8x and the 9x
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