March Calendar
Please sign the permission forms for filming for the Read 4 the Top even if your child is not in the semi-finals
Week Overview:
Math: Between now and spring break, March 11 th, I hope to wrap up our measurement unit on time. It is expected that all students will be able to tell time using an analog clock. There will be a large test on analog and digital time the week before spring break.
Socials: This week, and next week, we will explore the First nations Beliefs and Ceremonies, text pages 85 - 89. I am a member of the Tagish-Tlingit first nations and am a member of the wolf clan. I will guide the students through the concepts of the responsibilities that go along with earning a name and becoming a contributing member of a clan. We will learn about the potlatch, totems and spirit guides and getting an ancestral name. Today we did a game, with candy rockets, to show the students how in a traditional village the person with nothing or the least was often the chief. I find that this exercise shows children that having the most stuff does not make you the most trusted or respected member of a community.
Science: Continuing on our 'Weather' theme until spring break when we will switch to a unit on 'Light.' This week we will work on page 68 from the text which examines blizzards and droughts. I think it is appropriate at this time to work on this topic as living through our recent blizzard brings this topic up close and real for our Victoria children who can go a year or two without any snow at all. The students will write about their own experiences with the blizzard of 2011, as well as imagining the effect of the blizzard on other living and not living parts of our environment.Today:
Spelling pre-test given and corrected. Spelling pages for students to work on, as an aid in thinking about spelling words, handed out and students worked on them.
Words this week (ight/ought/aught) Unit 22: frighten flight brighter flashlight mighty delight tighten nightly brought ought thought fought sight caught daughter taught naughty fault Bonus: ceremonies
After recess Mrs. Withers took the 8 read for the top students and read and made questions for semi-final round. The students remaining worked on their Classic Novel reports or their Math Time project (due Friday)
Today we worked on pages r181, r182 reading and writing analog and digital time and page 188, solving problems on time.
After lunch those students not in choir listened to the music and did a one page report on music of Electric Light Orchestra.
Language Arts: A one page report in our famous Canadian series Jim Carey.
The students finished the day in Music where they practiced their recorder and a dance that they are going to perform at one of the assemblies.