Thursday, June 28, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Parent appreciation morning tea 8:00 till school starts on Thursday

School supply order forms are now available... order now and save $$$ and the hastle of getting the right school supplies in August.

We started the week with our weekly spelling words:  cleaner, cleanest, bigger, biggest, earlier, earliest, quicker, quickest, busier, busiest, rough, roughest, heavier, heaviest, happier, happiest, lazier, laziest, harder, hardest

After the pretest, which the students marked, the students worked on the 2 double sided page spelling sheets to help them focus on the words and give them practice at learning to remember how to spell the words.

After recess the students had music with Mrs. Awalt where they are practicing for an up coming video to show the school.  After music the students worked on three ongoing projects.... 1 fathers day, 2 Design their own country, and 3 their dragon story.

After lunch we had reading then worked on painting our dragon masks and paper mache project.  After that some of the students went to the computer lab with me to work on a powerpoint project while the others stayed in the class with Tracy working on catching up on other work.