Keep those student led interview forms coming in
We began the day with our weekly spelling test. At the start of the week all students are given a couple of work sheets to go along with the spelling words that are due on Friday before the test. The sheets give the students time to look at the words and think about the words to help them remember how to spell them. It must be after spring break as none, yes none, of the students had the sheets finished. So they are due Monday. The only exception are the students who achieved 20 out of 20 as, apparently, they do not need to study.After spelling the students went with Mr. D to the computer lab to fill out a district satisfaction survey which asks children about their learning and attitudes about learning at school, at home, and in the community. there were 42 questions and took the students up to recess to complete.

After lunch we had an active buddy period as we had missed buddies for the last couple of weeks due to spring break and myself being away on jury duty. This period extended until 1:45 when the students were supposed to have a bonus 20 minute recess period because the school has reached its home reading goal. (This recess has been moved until Monday because of Rain)

We ended the day with p.e. doing relays which promote skills and endurance and working together.
Have a great weekend and don't forget your Family Mini book due on Monday.